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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:26 General Info
01:07 Faction
01:17 Unlock Requirement
01:18 Customization Options
02:45 Classes
03:06 Racial Mount
03:12 Heritage Armor
03:30 Starting Level
03:54 Racials
04:30 Outro & Final Thoughts
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What do you think of this new Allied Race?
More dwarves is ridiculous seriously
Not something I'm looking too much forward to, we already have two dwarf races, don't think we need a third. Opinions right?
meh, it’s a dwarf. maybe if they’d made with a slightly different model, like the Kul Tirans and regular humans, Zandalari/regular trolls… They could’ve made the dwarves super fat round boys, Bombur-looking guys. I dunno. it’s just an ugly reskinning of dwarves.
Anyone else feel that dwarf women-beards are just 'pandering'?
Yet another massively uninteresting allied race, right next to mechagnomes. Ever since mechagnomes came out iv only ever seen 2 actually in end game content
bearded women lol
Hard pass for me. Never liked dwarves, but when another new troll arrives I’ll be first in line for one.
D what’s the font u used in ur thumbnail it’s so cute
It bothers me so much that Earthen are made of stone but for some reason have actual hair…
i hate it….
… girls with facial hair?
i love it…
I wonder if they will increase the character cap cause I'm definitely maxed
If only they added the hairs and beard options to all Dwarf races. And vice versa.
Yuck 🤢 the female Earthen have beards. What a waste was shadowlands, we could had vampires or something waaaay more cooler that these Farthen.
not really exciting, i hope they add another through expansion.
Another dwarf already bored I’m skipping this race
The most boring race to ever be revealed
Ogres, Tuskarr would have been ten times better than the Earthen….
Mid addition.
Could not care less!
Blizz saving time and money by just reskinning already existing races…….it's honestly lazy work
I wish… we got something else.
This could have been added as a cosmetic change for the dwarves they didn't need to be an ally race
I wish they at least added different beards or something exclusive. Very mild race. I guess if you really wanted to be dwarf on horde here's your opportunity
I have a feeling especially after all the negative feedback they got on this announcement that we’ll be seeing playable Tuskaar before the launch of War Within.
But after the shit they pulled in Shadowlands with no playable Venthyr I’m not holding my breathe.
Arg still no dwf druid…. Lol
Its disgusting the fact were pushing Trans in video games let alone my fav childhood game. Never thought I would see Blizz pull female dwarves with beards. WTF is this world coming too.
No thanks, gross. Not my cup of tea.
Still a little salty that its another race i wont play
The only redeeming quality of these guys for me is the beards for females. Especially since one of my all time favourite quotes from LOTRS is "Yes it's the Dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women" lol.
As a long time Fan of Dwarves, The moment I Heard the Words "Natural" and "Can Join the Horde" Not gonna lie, The Inner Dwarf in my wanted to go on a crusade to correct this grudge and hearsay.
But I am happy that we are getting them regardless. It's gonna be Interesting for sure
Would have rathered skinny kultiran humans
I wish they would've added satyrs instead of this
I am so excited to play a dwarf for the horde!
Finding it harder and harder to justify a wow sub every expansion. Less content, laziest additions possible(a dwarf reskin, seriously?) and 'evergreen' features which is them selling fixes to a broken game as reasons to buy the lastest expansion, instead of actual content. Dissapointing.
Yeah, having Earthen DKs is a little weird. Neither the Lich King nor Bolvar are making DKs anymore, so I can't see an opportunity to raise Earthen DKs or any DK really post Shadowlands.
Wish Druids would get more race options. I’m so tired of being a cow or troll. I just want to wear normal leather boots and have them actually appear as boots and not just shin guards
Horde Dwarfs….. yeah… im so exited….🙄 What comes next? Alliance Orcs??
Why oh why do the earthen have hair? They have follicles in the pitted stone? lol.. why not make the 'hair' patterned stone like Celtic knots?? The hair looks stupid af.
I don't know why everyone seems to be so positive. It's literally a dwarf with gems stuck inside. There are so many ways to actually be creative
wohoo! Horde Dwarves!
Moronic decission. But not even close with how moronic making Bel'amoth becomming neutral is. All i see are morons in blizzard.
Not even the RP people at Blizzcon were excited
I hate this neutral shit, I dont see why a earthen would join horde and not his "cousins" in the alliance
Everyone’s moaning about earthen dwarves I’m fucking buzzing that I can finally play a dwarf on Horde. Alliance is just so fucking awful I would never play alliance but dwarves are absolutely the best race in the game.