Easiest Classes To Get Gladiator With LFG | TIER LIST

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0:00 – Intro
0:43 – Tips For Using Group Finder
2:09 – Melee LFG Tier List
7:00 – Ranged LFG Tier List
10:11 – Healer LFG Tier List
12:58 – LFG Tier List Summary

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47 thoughts on “Easiest Classes To Get Gladiator With LFG | TIER LIST”

  1. Guides like this are very underrated. Most guides and tierlists focus om meta tournament comps. But an overwhelming majority och people arnt at that level of play. Great video!

  2. Boomie Sclass? I'm boomie and cant get over 1700. And spend most the time dropping back down to 14-1500. Convoke is cool but gets countered so easily. I've won lot of games with it but still lose prob more than half

  3. How the fuck you gonna gloss over "like Surv" "BM and MM"… Those are all nothing alike… This is why skillcapped is a fing joke you guys just give vids and push FOTM classesspecs literally hunters are always low key good (except for a few patches in CataMoP where they still wernt AS BAD as people claimed) but never have good or a lot of hunter content.

  4. Dont fall for these kind of stuff and get delusional that 1 day you go create a class listed here in higher tiers and get gladiator next day. What he is saying is for a player that has the knowledge and skills for 2.4k but somehow stuck at lower ratings. As long as you dont know whats going on and what to use when – its not gonna make any difference no matter how op the class you are playing is. Even the r1 players go and cry when they play "supposedly 1 button faceroll class" if they have no synergy or gear on them. It is a fact for sure that some classes have more diversity than the others as in playing with different classes but quantity is not the thing here the quaility is. Improve your overall gameplay first then you will see how fast you can climb. I cant see a world where a 1.5k sub rogue rerolls a ret or a warrior and suddenly gets 2.4k 😀 But a 2.4k rogue ofcourse can get 2.8k with a warr or ret relatively easier than the rogue.

  5. Lets be real the day i find a Ret at 2100 right now in LFG that actually knows how to WOG other team mates, bop, sanc, sac, and use cds CORRECTLY is teh day i die. I Hate hate hate how fotm they are and all these slack jaw drooling idiots pick it up, enter groups acting like they are king shit. 30 seconds into the first game after their first global is wings and ignoring los, presses bubble after they have a big CD on them already like ultimate sac, ignoring team mates etc you know straight away how terrible they actually are and dont belong even on the class.

    Skill floor super low because you can faceroll wins but skill ceiling very high because its very hard to play at a high level and be successful.

  6. Gota say going off your first intro, unless were talking like BC/LK WoW experience… Idc when you get 2k in 3s. You got 2k and that took some amount of skill of learning the game. You may not know meta but you know how to get there which is more than enough for me because I want a team anyways which is going to growth regardless.

    To go more in depth: I just had this conversation with a group of friends when forming an RBG team last week. I picked people who linked me their 2k achievement regardless of when (it was low cr/ high exp grp) even though the same spec/class qued against them were 10-20ilvls higher. Friends of course made fun of me, until lo and behold we did really good with majority not being in comms. Why? Because the 2k exp grp knows how to communicate important objectives, I a 2.2k exp player was leading the strat and the kill squad were targeting correctly.

    Of course you take this with a grain of salt as it was low cr and an RBG not 3s but my point remains proven. Experience makes a large difference.

  7. Rogue C, Hunter and Priest B? Totally disagree. It just take you one look at the pvp leaderboard to see that this tier list is garbage. The majority of the players currently at the top are Rogues, Priests and Hunters. Putting them together in one sack with mist Monks, Dks and RDruids is just stupid.

  8. I had to stop watching as soon as you said rouge's are b tier, assas and outlaw maybe but sub rogue is an opener killing machine and can end the game before it starts. If you survive and your feeling good you got a life saving ability off they disappear and start again, no more feels good 🙁

  9. ive played the game since classic and im starting to hate the combat system. its too much like rock paper scissors. some classes are just better than others at certain roles and gearing up is too much of a chore.


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