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Wanted to show you guys 2 methods of making really good raw gold right now in Shadowlands. Doing dungeons with call to arms active and your daily covenant calling on as many characters as possible will get you a lot of raw gold.
wow im early.
Interesting cool stuff. I think one thing us classic and retail players can all appreciate is a good gold guide lol. Definitely subbed
Nice video length
Thanks for the tips.
Have you been enjoying Shadowlands?
What has been your favorite zone, story, covenant etc..
doing 10 calling is not that fast anymore though , still a lot of gold
If you have 10 max alts…
me with just my main maxed 🙁
Great vid tho!!
yay you cut to the chase and yes Halo 3 is the best!!!!
Love ur videos keep going
Im feeling this channel will do somthing epic ❤️