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#mistweaver #monk #mysticall
Watch me live!
I take back what I said about the small changes, the Clouded Focus changes were actually amazing for 2s!! Our Mana is crazy strong and although it doesn’t fix ALL of our issues, it’s a start. If you have ANY questions, please let me know!!
Time Stamps:
00:00- Intro
00:27-Cloud Focus Changes
01:22- Talents/Setup
02:53 – Game 1
04:18- Game 2
06:13- Game 3
08:19- Game 4
Hey brother would you recommend coming back into WoW pvp as a mistweaver? ive mained mistweaver since the beginning of legion and stopped on shadowlands release because I just didn’t have the time and all of my friends quit but I’m starting to come back now I’m just not sure if it’s worth the time to play mistweaver or just make a paladin or priest.
Clouded focus ok.
Mistweavers not OK. Still dying in stun while in the cocoon. Canceled my subscription until massive MW buffs.
MW still trash.
that druid tier 3 tho
Sup @Baxter
That priest is going to be so triggered vs all monks after that last rop xD
Dude what is your transmog? Looks awesome
Can you do a breakdown on what soulbinds you would use for necro lord in pvp? I am currently kirian on my monk but dont like it.
Did you change to green-themed-transmog so your subconscious will remind you in the future to get over the laziness and switch to Necrolord? 😀
Don't do this. Don't give me hope.
I love running song man, makes me feel like I’m a rogue mage all on my own when I land the full the full combo
hey mystical would u play some with aff warlock , like their slows is so good and since we have high single target heal , it makes it even more fun . i dont know i have more wins with aff warlock than warriors . (1600 is all rogue mage )
Mw still trash
Why EM twice? Isn’t the second kind of wasted since you already have the HOT?
Would you say clouded focus over Sephuz now Myst?
Is this better than tear of the morning in pve?
Idk, how often do you really get the benefit of the lego? If you get ccd or kicked or need to kite, cc, port, use a defensive etc. it falls off, and I can't imagine many situations where you're just allowed to sit and channel sm for free. Maybe if you're on cc Dr's and you pop zen focus you can pump heals through some big offensive cds but apart from that.. don't think it's good enough tbh :/
Why is everyone going kyrian?
Hi, why are you going to switch to necro?