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Shadowlands PvP Elemental Shaman WoW Patch 9.1
World of Warcraft Shadowlands Arena Gameplay Elemental Shaman & Shadow Priest (Shaman POV) Season 2
00:00:00 Holy Priest & Arms Warrior
00:01:14 Protection Paladin & Fury Warrior
00:02:37 Restoration Shaman & Frost Death Knight
00:03:41 Restoration Druid & Retribution Paladin
00:04:41 Restoration Shaman & Frost Death Knight
00:06:58 Restoration Shaman & Havoc Demon Hunter
00:08:37 Protection Paladin & Retribution Paladin
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#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP #Gaming #MMORPG
What add on is that where u hear all the cds enemy using
Do you do any 1 on 1 coaching ? I just started pvp last season but definitely have so much to learn still
Ey man, the more ele stuff u post the more I wanna play it haha. What leggo are you using for these games?
Tested double dps for the first time in this patch. Shadow Priest & Elemental Shaman looks very solid. Enjoy !
Nice vid! keep up the great work 🙂
I have one question, maybe you can help me here.
I tried to edit your heal macro for my resto druid:
/cast [mod:alt,@Azjol]Rejuvenation;[mod:shift,@party1]Rejuvenation;[mod:ctrl,@party2]Rejuvenation;[nomod,@mouseover,help]Rejuvenation;[nomod,help]Rejuvenation
I wish it would work like this for me:
no target =heal my self
mouseover= normal keybinding
arena player1 = shift+ key binding
could you maybe help me here?
I tried already several things but its not working properly :S
Thanks for your help already!!
What is the addon that you can see the bubble next to the paladins name and other cds?
Hey man I just want to say that I discovered you during the pandemic and I am so happy that I did. Thank you for keeping the content coming and not jumping on this stupid lawsuit bandwagon lol
Honestly what do you think of this season PvP wise? I can't believe I'm saying this but I prefer BFA. Almost every DPS [especially melee like DH/Ret] are OP, burst and sustained damage are too high and defensives aren't as strong as cooldowns. Not to mention that seemingly there are no more PvP developers and they just do tuning on the side now. I reached 2.1k again on my Druid but I had a much easier time last season..