Elune, The BROKEN GODDESS – Was She Once Part of The SHADOWLANDS ??

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Was Elune, the mother moon once part of the Eternals ones of the Shadowlands? Is she broken, or is she merely misunderstood ??

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24 thoughts on “Elune, The BROKEN GODDESS – Was She Once Part of The SHADOWLANDS ??”

  1. Weren't the moons created from the Earth Mother's eyes? Sooooo Elune is part of Azeroth….her eyes….which are the windows into the soul. Azeroth is reality which likely encompasses everything including a balance of light and dark. Our moon has a light side and a dark side (due to how the earth and moon moved together we only ever see one side of it) but maybe in the wowverse there is a dark moon and a light moon and together they are Elune aka Azeroth's eyes.

  2. re Elune – Jailer relationship. What if the reason the Jailer was shackled in the Maw is because of a former conflict with Elune? As a result Elune's embodiment disappeared from Shadowlands and her presence is now reduced to the 2 Moons in Azeroth, silent and removed from her siblings. Part of her vengeance and the wrath of her siblings would have seen the Jailer shackled forever in the Maw, while healing is compassion towards those who also get hurt, and her cults aims at teaching people a path in life that will prevent them ending up in the Maw. That cult in both Tauren and Night Elves is aimed at balance, respect with nature, which might have also been the Jailer's transgression, one she might have sought to mitigate.

  3. I think the discussion on Ysera is a bit off, Ursoc went to ardenweald after we kill him in the nightmare, or part of him goes to the dream and part to ardenweald. Ysera is in the dream as well at the end and also seemed to go to ardenweald. I think the winter queen just looks at something of either eonar or elune and just thinks 'of my sister' which would functionally be any night elf or wild god as well.

  4. As an analogy, Tom Bombadil was a mystery to the readers of Lord of the Rings. That intrigue sparked life and passion in the readers and got them hooked in a way nothing else did. Then, when it was recently revealed that he was a literary representation of his daughters doll/toy, and he was promised to be put into the story, for no other reason that to include her … it dashed the mythology.

    I think Elune is our Bombadil… I don't want to know everything about her.

    She had to be the God Head for the original story creators, and I don't think they had her completely flushed out either…… and there need not be any further explanation of that pinnacle.

  5. we saw ysera's death related to elune, and we heard that the night elves who died in teldrasil were pacified by elune.
    we also know druids eclipse states are related to elune too.
    so there are other things directed and related to elunes presence.
    but yeah the night warrior was the first part where a character asked for the help of elune, elune clearly responded via the succession of a ritual and it was impactful enough that you could say tyrande could be an avatar of elune now.

  6. 100% speculation ahead, proceed with caution;

    What if Elune essentially filled the role that Sylvanas is now taking for her own cycle, one that was originally as said, a constant ebb and flow of light and void. She was primarily light to begin with, but was at some point abandoned deep in the conquered territory of the void, and made a deal with the darkness around her. Upon returning to the light, she had new perspective on the void and seeked to help it break the cycle and push the light all the way back for good. Some time during this cycle, the first ones caught wind of the plans already in motion and devised their own way to snatch reality out from under the squabbling forces.

    As for the Winter Queen and Elune being sisters, it is also possible that the WQ gives us more insight on what Elune actually looks like. None of the first ones appear to be of the same race, so likely them claiming familial ties is more symbolic of shared power as opposed to actual blood relations. Given the others don’t give any mention of extra “siblings” (although the Primus is the only one who refers to Zoval as such) it’s quite likely that Elune and the WQ are in fact blood relatives, though Elune was never brought into the actual pantheon of the first ones. Possibly the WQ imprisoned her in the moon to care for the world soul of Azeroth, knowing that was something Zoval was after?

  7. One other place we’ve seen Elune’s power? The End Time dungeon. The Echo of Tyrande’s words at her death, “I can…see the light of the moon…so clearly now. It is…beautiful…”

  8. so the first ones are probably order then, and they were the ones outside of time who set into motion the power of duality.
    they then ordered the chaos of both light and void and put them into compartments.
    it looks like they took greek and eastern concepts are had a quite interesting concept.
    the 'laws' require a law giver, so order requires an orderer.
    if there were no boundaries between the entire lot, fel, light, shadow etc. it would be a big puddle of mess and chaos.

    but when there are boundaries and there is order we now have things that belong within their respective groups

  9. i think the runes are not the prison but the chains are btw. chains around death but runes around order. the order is putting things into groups. like we have rooms but have a house, we have a bin but a kitchen.
    that's order.
    the chains are the prison. it's keeping all the stuff that couldnt be ordered because it constantly deteriorates out of the boundary, so it is imprisoned

  10. I think Lady "Moon"berry is Elune in disguise at Shadowlands.
    I think she's keeping a low and deceitful profile in Ardenweald to keep tabs on nature on all worlds.
    You've been known to go after crazy theories even after the known facts.
    I'm wondering what you would do about this theory, Accolonn. 🙂

  11. Said ages ago, Shadowlands is no more part of Death than Emerald Dream is part of Life. Head cannon… the In-Between exists “around” Reality meaning it’s a buffer between Reality and the Six cosmic powers.
    So the Shadowlands would be a bubble of existence within the In-Between between Reality and Death,
    Emerald Dream between Reality and Life
    Twisting Nether between Reality and Disorder
    Where ever Ny'alotha actually is is between us and Shadow
    Order . . . Where ever Malygos took us during that raid?
    Light . . . IDK?
    Someone ‘cough’ Ordered ‘cough’ the bubble between us and Death to act as a sort of net to prevent mortal souls from reaching Death. The Devs already hinted that the infinite realms of the Shadowlands are meant to be places of rest for the souls and I’d wager that the four Covenants started out as a volunteer service but started conscripting souls into eternal servitude only after Zovaal’s “betrayal” – which would explain why very few people in those Covenants seem to actually know what that betrayal was.

  12. 27:30 There are 6 Ruins, 6 cosmic forces. Shadowlands is placed on the map over where the Death ruin would be. Emerald Dream is placed over the Life ruin. Twisting Nether would be over the top-right ruin. The Titans playground would be over the bottom-left ruin. Ny’alotha over the bottom ruin. And the Naru’s playground would be over the top ruin.

    Change my mind

  13. So Tyrande, a mortal priestess who drows all of her power from her goddess , managed to blind Elune somehow by using a what? An artifact? And remember Tyrande is not mage, she cant manipulate arcane energies and get stronger as an individual. She pretty much is a perfectly trained and capable warrior who has Elune's favour. She doesnt own this power. She prays and Elune delivers. She is like a conduit, a focusing lense that dirrects Elunes lent power against her enemies. And you suggest that she a mere nothing managed to do something that has an impact on a god?

    She is like Nobundo, a perfectly capable paladin who could wield the Light powers, but paladins much as Tyrande the priestess fight with a lent power. The holy light just stopped serving him and he eventually became a shaman.

    I see Tyrande as Elune's favourite pet. Elune has a shotgun that fires moonfires. Tyrande points at her target and preys for help, and Elune shoots. This theory is like saying that tyrande prayed and elune shoot herself in the eye.

  14. Also never noticed during Legion but if you check the seat of the pantheon cutscene for Argus in Antorus, you can see the same runes as the map, the mourne weapons, and branded all across the Jailer's body in the circle where the all sit upon the seats.

  15. it reminds me a little of Disney Tangled with healing incantation and hurt incantation.

    Elune normally heals but with the lunar eclipse she destroys or in this case tyrande / the Night Warriors uses the power for revenge.

  16. Could it be that Elune created the “Big Bang” of WoW? I mean night elves are the oldest race right ? And Elune being God in WoW works in mysterious ways? Elune had the power to interfere with Death itself with Ysera. That to me seems like a shit ton of power. Elune PUT that dragon into Ardenweld without the winter queen knowing . Some people think Loa’s are jokes but we know they carry a great deal of power. Maybe Elune is a first one that’s captured in the void and is reaching out for help. Maybe both theories are a bit true?

  17. When we first meet the Winter Queen, she doesn't even look at us, just goes off. That seems pretty upstart, as Xal'atath says.
    Also, how did the night elfs start to worship Elune? We were told at Blizzcon that Cenarius spent time in Ardenweald when he dies. So he could have gone to the afterlife, saw the Winter Queen, and when he wen't back to Azeroth, he started preaching about this goddess beyond. That's how night elfs started worshiping Elune, or the Winter Queen, same thing

  18. Hmmm….. Maybe…. late night semi-drunk spitballing……

    Elune = ball of blue light ( i.e. the moon)….

    Jalier obviously missing something (possibly said ball of blue light) in the middle of his chest……

    Maybe, if unlikely, when the Jailer was banished for action (X), they also ripped out his heart /soul (which may have still been "pure" as his intentions were good even if his actions weren´t) and summarily cast it into the cosmos, where it then manifested as Elune, watching over said Cosmos to ensure that the events that led to his "ejection" would never happen again.

    Anywhere ELSE in the Universe, not in the Shadowlands themselves.

    The Shadowlands are already "safe" because he has been banished and the HotF will keep him down as long as anima keeps flowing (which was obviously expected to last forever, much the way humans unfortunately treat drinkable water…)

    And that is part of why she "moved" Ysera and gave her power to Tyrande, because she saw where all of this was going and knew where it was probably coming from, so she sent Ysera and later empowered Tyrande so as to once again have eyes and ears in the Shadowlands….

    The question is then: what the F could he have possibly done that was so heinous that it would absolutely have to be prevented in all the Universe at all costs???


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