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Stormstrike hits for 1000, lava lash hits for 250 (LUUUUL). frost shock and flame shock doing highest damage, crash lightning doing more damage than stromstrike. Windfury still non existent on damage. FEELSBADMAN
#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP
Para! Your vids helped me go through my mother's sickness and mine. Had shortness of breath for 5 days and I couldn't sleep nor do anything really so I binged your vids, and it was a relief as it always has been. Thanks for the content, keep it up! <3
Tried playing my enhancement shaman and was looking forward to it but it as of now the lack of defensives seems all the more noticeable after playing my arms warrior.
Also feels like a ret paladin in terms of mobility minus the damage.
PVE Enhance: P O G G E R S
PVP Enhance: Spare change ma’am?
I get the same feeling about enhance, long cool down makes it worse than BFA.
There go my hopes of playing shaman in shadowlands.. ugh..
Well this is a plus of shamans, I very much like ele spec
I feel like every melee that can't stealth kinda sucks in rbgs depending on your team, classes like warrior, enh shaman etc just feel unplayable sometimes
damn it, just damn it, sure i love playing ele but enha was just my everything, this is just bad news
Hmm my storm strikes hit for roughly 2k-4.5k crits. What build are you running as enhance? I think one of enhances biggest issues with damage is windfury hits for like 20-50 damage unless you take doomwinds and even then it's just still not great. Ele blast is just better. Hopefully they will get some love before release!
they fuccked enhance up i hate that they replaced the instant cast ranged melee with casted abilities ??
Idk if you were being sarcastic but lasso shares diminishing returns with stuns and when you said that someone else was lassoing the guy too
I'm in the same boat. I would main enhancement if it were just decent. We can't even get to decent status though.
play a game on a frost DK ahahahahahhahaa
As a BFA Enh main, I can say that the changes to Enh were amazing, the toolkit is fun as hell to play and the added healing is nice, but it is no where near enough. 1 stun and I am fucked, if I cant get away from the burst I am guaranteed to die. We really need help with our defensiveness.
I'm so upset. I logged onto my shaman and looked at lava lash's tooltip. ONLY 200 DAMAGE??? WTF IS THIS NONSENSE?!? I'm so upset…I was so hoping enhancement would be good but it would seem it's just not…
I'm so glad that I found this video. Because I'm having a bug where lava surge doesn't proc. The visual indicator is there but my cooldown doesn't get reset and the casts aren't instant. Any idea what might be causing this? I already sent a bug report but I don't know what else to do.
Borrowed power dependency..?
Cant compare bfa lvl 50 gear and such, with lvl 60 shadowlands geared character.
Im playing Enhancement right now and my malestrom is poping every 5 secs and my stormstrikes are constantly resetting im busy as hell and smashing mobs fast
Bruh your playing in the pre-patch right now. You cant judge enhance yet because our kit isnt complete
oh hes only talking about it
Big BUT, in shadowlands many players i mean top players says enhance shaman is in the good spot in terms of dmg and fun. We can see this, new enhance is don't create for BFA, and that's it,
why didn't you mention about this.
Stormstrike in Shadowlands with Frost witch legendary hit very hard and that's why basic stormstrike isn't hit hard. You say lava burst hit more than stormstrike and more frequently, but how much igneous potential you have ? and how many you will be have in shadowlands ?. In BFA Nya Ele shaman was crate for lightning bolt/earth shock dmg (even if you go with 3 igneous potential lava burst was don't top dmg abbility), in Shadowlands lava burst is strong, and if we mix shadowlands lava burst with BFA and Igneous potential, we have boosted lava burst dmg. Look on hivemind, mass AoE encounter, and there elemental don't have that big advantage, lava burst don't work there, that's the think with vexiona too.
I am talking about pve sure but in terms of dmg pvp and pve is don't that far away, more problem for enhance is survi in shadowlands, especially in pvp, you need to go with resto legendary and sacrifice strong frost witch legendary.
Windfury does 80 damge. 80 DAMAGE.
Might as well not even exist.
Ele lava burst dmg won't be the same in sl this is prepatch, and ehn will hit a lot harder when sl comes out
I hate enhancement shaman pre patch. I mained it for 4 years and now it sucks….I am max level and feel like a lot of downtime between abilities.
enhancement needs enhancing!
Whats the transmog on your helmet? The like tribal feather thing!
why is enhance bad they reverted it back to mop-wod enhance shaman with no WINDFURY BUFF thats why enhance damage is so low.elemental shaman is the new windfury proc shaman with echoing shock you can get 4 lava bursts off so i dont under stand why they wont let enhancement have the old windfury damage back.
my advice is not to play an enhancement shaman in shadowlands.
I see a lot of pessimism both in the video and in the coments.
As of now, my only complaint so far are:
1. Weapon imbues should be passive if they don't plan on giving us every imbue we had as well as unleash elements.
2. LL has shitty damage even with hot hand. But I rarely have time to use it anyways.
3. WF damage…bruh, it'd be better if they reverted it to pre wod (3s icd, but massive dmg).
4. Ofc, survival and utility (frozen power and earthen power as pvp talents).
But besides the weird damage profile we currently have, I'm quite fine with this new enh, and barely have troubles in prepatch pvp, except with the same classes everyone complained about last pvp season xD.
the way they changed Enh makes it nice for PVE but not for pvp were in a pre patch and the beta is always changing so nothing set in stone… for now that is.
Buff enhancement
Makes me so sad man because enhancement shaman has always been my fav class/spec since vanilla
anything is balanced for lvl 60 , enh is extrem strong the problem is you can´t play him …
Didnt know mike rowe mained enhance
I mean it’s prepatch a lot of things are over tuned, so numbers are gonna change xD
I can't play Ele. It's against my self created code. I want to play Enhance. I love Enhance. I'm sick and tired of Blizzard taking a shit on it every expansion. Bring back the Enhancement Shaman of Wrath of the Lich King. Is that so difficult? Does blizzard not have meters? Can't they tell when a spec is seriously under preforming. I guess I'll level first with my lock and return to what has been my main since the start o Burning Crusade.
How were you channel casting lava burst while moving?
Storm keeper echoing shock lightning bolt lightning bolt you chunk for about 50% on most targets
You are forgetting how cool enhance looks. You can’t have both high dmg and cool looking abilities
"Getting topped off can save a man's life. "-Para 2020
I remember MOP, each time you pressed earthstrike, explo elem or Ascendance zap, or your big heal totem and wolves, the ancestral guidance, the Shaman rage which dispelled you magic stuns and usable under a stun, the windwalking totem, the nature guardian … sigh '( i can't play enhance anymore, this class is so different