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They really need to work on this one more. When i first heard Storm bringer i thought they would bring back something like MoP Encha. Bursty powerful with a lot of lightnings. Instead we got something very dull and boring. Please let blizzard know that we are not satisfied with this…
I was considering running a high mountain shaman during panda remix looks like I’m not considering anymore. It is a definite now
This hero talent tree is still a complete mess.
ICEFURY SUCKS! I'd ask the devs to get rid of it but we know they don't care about mail classes
How can you say tempest looks amazing? It looks like crap right now.
Name something more famous than Blizzard and bad Shaman decisions.
I like stormbringer but, my problem with it is that I'm hoping for a 2H shaman spec and I didn't see any if that here
Thank you.🌹🌹🌹
Dude this feels like a rotational mess and reminds me of how they messed up shamans when WoD rolled around. I hope that the other hero trees do more justice to shamans than this one
it is so mid 🙁
Tempest looks underwhelming af 😂 how does that look amazing
Nice, a stormbringer spec that doesnt bring any storms. Also, shaman tier set looks horrible. Whats going on shamans devs this time?
Seems like a reroll for my 10 year shaman main.
7:04 good to hear, i despise primo wave, and 3 out of 4 seasons of DF with enh being designed around it, made me reroll
As long as I can play enhance without 19 buttons and actually use lightning skills instead of spamming fucking frost shock, ice strike and lava lash I’ll be happy
I had three hopes for this tree.
First, don't pigeonhole Enhance into Primordial Wave again.
Second, reflavor Lava Burst and Flame Shock to lightning/wind stuff. I'm not here to throw meatballs, I'm here for lightning.
Third, Earthquake QOL. Really was hoping they'd replace Earthquake with a storm cloud that follows your most recent primary target. The game isn't designed around stationary puddles anymore, tanks need to move too much. So having a lil stormcloud that follows would be huge for Storm Ele builds.
I suppose a fourth expectation was DEFENSE WHERE??
I'm not unhappy with the tree as is, but there's a lot they can do better. Namely the Tempest interactions.
tempest is underwhelming.. It needs to be a storm
Does the tempest strike thingy become instant cast when u have 5 or 10 maelstromstacks? I dont wanna cast anything as enhance…
shammy doa 🙁
Did they fix the lack of AoE?
The tree is a little overwhelming sure but honestly the Ele spec tree just needs bit of work. Ret Pally got a whole rework mid expansion and already got another iteration to work more smoothly with their hero talents. Its actually insane.
Shaman needs that level of attention, please.
At least this means that theyll probably really change up the Enhancement and Elemental Talent Trees
28+ days now and still no matter how much I search on Youtube theirs no one doing trickster outlaw rogue either its because they think its bad because they think it revolves around only Feint or most are just sitting back waiting for a rework to the hero talents that won't come till maybe a month or 2 months later when the expansions already close to releasing I wish they'd give me alpha so I can finally get a actual look at it since basically 0 information about it otherwise.
I wish Blizz would make two handed weapons viable for Enh shamans. For huge meaty burst dmg.
This seems underwhelming. It definitely feels more like Elemental and doesn't really add anything new and exciting. This could just be a few additional talent changes on the existing tree instead of a "hero" talent tree. I was never a fan of the hero talents because it feels like blizzard is just creating a ton of work for themselves to create unique talents that work for every spec and having to balance them all. For every great hero talent tree there is another that just feels uninspired but is put out there because each class needs to have one. We are getting rid of borrowed power but just adding some other stupid unnecessary system to take its place so at the end of the day what is the difference?
I love how totemic is just casually there
I like the focusing on the storm aspect, I haven't enjoyed elementalist build with P. Wave but I've stuck with it. I've always thought Elementalist should be of an Elemental spec style. Let melee use lightning and wind aspects, and Elemental gets fire, ice, earth aspects. But can we do away with all the buttons? Including totems, I just hate the management aspect of them and they just feel unnecessary for the dps specs of shamans. Make buffs like windfury totem an actual buff or aura.
more Crash Lightinggggg
Did you seriously just said Tempest animation looks amazing? Are you blind?
Desperately needs to have an option to change its other non-lightning spells into storm ones.
Meat ball and earth quake stand out so much, just make them blue and a little lightning-y and the fantasy will be 10x stronger
They should remove primordial wave and work on this more instead. No point with having one while the other is also there. Also, 2h shaman when :<
Mountain Thane Warrior got better lightning effects than Shamans btw.
lol this looks like trash. Nice job Lizard. Bunch of idiots over there at the headquarters it seems
Enhanc3ment needs huge buffs. Cause right now. The tier set is carrying all the damage.
THANK GOD we are getting back to lightning elemental. I do not like fire for aoe. I like it for ST but hate it for aoe. They could also DEFINITELY improve the animation of Tempest. It looks like Thunderstorm. VERY basic.
Like storm bringer should change skills
1) lava lash into lighting lash which charges offhand with lighting and electrocutes target with lighting!
2) flameshock becomes Electric Shock which causes lighting damage instantly then a damage over time lighting damage.
So lighting lash would spread electro shocks!
3) Have tempest just replace sundering and make the CD just equal the time it takes to generate 40 malestorm charges. So like 8-12 second CD.
4) change ice spike to lighting Strike and have it explode electro shocks on target to consume them and deal instant aoe damage. Kinda like skull splitter does to bleeds on targets.
5) change Ascendance transform into thunder ascendant and keep what it does the same but change the wind attacks into lighting base attacks. And have it do a lighting aoe aura damage over time around you!
Combine that wind fury procs and passives and enhance would be insane ! And fun to play because you still have malestorm charges to throw chain lightings in the mix aswell for more aoe
Warlock seems so much better than everyone else im pretty worried at this point that it ends up getting nerfed into obscurity
No 2h?
I must be the only person who not only thinks this looks good, but I like that Elemental is going to be more lightning focused… oh well xD