Enter the Shadowlands! Multiple *SPOILERS* Return! – Stargirl Season 2 Episode 11 Trailer Breakdown!

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Enter the Shadowlands! Multiple *SPOILERS* Return! – Stargirl Season 2 Episode 11 Trailer Breakdown! DC’s Stargirl, Stargirl Season 2, Stargirl 2×11, Stargirl 2×11 Promo, Stargirl Season 2 Episode 11 Promo, Green Lantern, Eclipso, Brainwave, Justice Society, Jay Garrick Flash.

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29 thoughts on “Enter the Shadowlands! Multiple *SPOILERS* Return! – Stargirl Season 2 Episode 11 Trailer Breakdown!”

  1. The place where Dr McNider was shown looks different from where Courtney is. There was black sand or something blowing all over the place like he was in a desert storm. I'm a little disappointed where Courtney is looks nothing like that….it would of been more creative and sinister that way.

  2. CONFIRMED. CW ORIGINAL HawkMAN returns for Legends 100th episode

    ew /tv/legends-of-tomorrow-100th-episode-first-look-photos/

    CW can STILL use Carter/HawkMAN despite the Black Adam movie

  3. Well, the "Shadowlands" is clearly a different dimension; and time clearly moves differently there as opposed to the real world; for instance, Dr. McNiter is still alive and healthy in the "Shadowlands"; but he'd be long dead by that time in the real world… plus it is clear that "Eclipso" (whatever literal devil it is at that) opened portals to that dimension, apparently at will, and has basically kidnapped both Cinthia and Courtney; and it does appear that the two of them are "cellmates" in that dimension… oh, this's going to be interesting: the both of them being cellmates in what would amount to apparently an attempt to trap them in a "Perdition Dimension", some kind of faulty effort on its part to put them in the afterlife… oh, this's going to be interesting to say the least!

  4. I would not want to be the Shade when he meets Barbara again. Based on how she treated Pat over the fake “Car Accident” she is about to go Nuclear on The Shade’s A$$. I fully expect Shade was not worried about the consequences but based on his guilt over Emily and respect for Barbara I expect him to feel very guilty about what happened to Courtney. I don’t think he expected Courtney to be hurt; maybe Pat but not Courtney . I expect the key to Courtney’s escape is the Shade’s help. I expect Yolanda to return when she finds out what happened to Courtney (and also feel guilty for abandoning Courtney). And Yolanda’s Mother and Beth’s Parents better not get in Barbara’s way or she will tear them a new one.

  5. If they wanna use Todd price I think the best way to introduce him through this would be he is trapped and being worked on so in a panic he retreats to the shadows which he doesn’t realize is the shadowland. He then meets Courtney and shiv and probably midnight we there where he is the one who brings them back to help him escape while also saving them in the process

  6. TODD RICE is their way out of the Shadow Land.
    I believe there are people in the Shadow Lands, who were trapped there by Todd Rice as well as Eclipso & The Shade. Once Jenni emerged with the Lantern, it probably unlocked Todd's metahuman abilities. Eclipso & The Shade share The Shadow Realm because The Shade was created by way of the Black Diamond. It's possible The Thunderbolt can beat Eclipso considering he's from a different Demension..


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