EPIC 12 Month Trading Post Reward | Warden Armor Preview | World of Warcraft Dragonflight

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In this video I’m excited to share some exciting news about the Trading Post. Did you know that by completing the “Trading Post Enthusiast” achievement, you can earn two amazing Warden armor sets? To get this achievement, you’ll need to complete monthly traveler’s activities and earn the special reward 12 times, which can take a whole year. I hope they’ll consider shortening the wait time in the future. In this video, I’ll give you a look at these amazing armor sets and discuss some speculations about their features. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

00:00 Intro / Trading Post Enthusiast
00:32 Sun Warden Armor Set Preview
01:45 Moon Warden Armor Set Preview
02:29 Outro Thanks for watching!

#dragonflight #wow #warcraft


26 thoughts on “EPIC 12 Month Trading Post Reward | Warden Armor Preview | World of Warcraft Dragonflight”

  1. Hey Leyst, thanks for the preview. I'm curious about one thing – do you happen to know which part of the armor the "skirt" 3D parts are attached to? Is it part of the legs, or the chest, or perhaps even the belt item?

  2. The fact that were getting this set in 1 year (probably around mid of 10.2… when we already get 10.3 news) meams theres something big incoming and it includes NEs.
    Probably 10.3 is linked to them?
    Or 11.0? Elune maybe? Maiev? Illidan comeback?
    Same thing was done with all the ingame shop mounts. Sylv dreamer mount came in mid of BFA and we had same beasts in SL.
    Then we did get that "night inspired bird" mount with flavor text about its "counterpart".
    New world tree is "waiting for the right moment"…

  3. Wow they really made it take a whole year to get that armor? Come on blizzard, i figured 3 maybe 6 month, plus the bottom portion doesn’t even move as i thought it would, it seems glued to your legs and just moves awkward. Disappointing, but what can you expect with this game’s engine nowadays. Atleast the human heritage armor looks alright…


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