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Get 50% OFF on the 0g – 10,000,000g Guide using code ' shadowlands ' here :
Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
Literally the only one left; sooo boring. I wish they'd quit needing them all.
Easy epics, nice one studen!
Hey studen, I’ve made 60m since shadowlands launched without having bought your 0-10m shadowlands gold, but your videos have helped me so I’m going to buy it now as a thank you 🙂 appreciate the work you’re doing lad @studen
Gimme All your gold! ♥ 😘 EPIC thumbnail!
I need boyfriend 💋💋💋💋💋💞💞💞💞
What do i need to drop these green bags?
Lightless silk is 250g a piece on my realm. This is insane.
I’m broke as hell rn 😂 but when I get the cash I’ll make sure to buy your guide. I’ve really gotten into gold grinding and your methods are great, thank you!
Damn so these are farmable eh? Nice, but too bad my gear is still shit 😓
Why are you not opening the green bags ?
Hello…Where do you mainly skin please? Still in ardenweald? Where do you group for the epic BOE please? (Bastion?). Thank you for your answers
Which professions do you have? Or do you swap them around depending on the farm?
Just bought the guide. Let the farming begin
i love how it looks like this guy only plays wow for making a ton of gold instead of raiding or actual content
That shield is good stats for my paladin, so sad i play in na
Are you going to buy the spider mount when you are done?
Love the guide man im well on my way to playing for free
Hey Studen, do you have still a speedset on your Druid or just regular gear?
Thank you for your videos and your book. I never imagined to make so much gold with them 😀
Is it just me that chuckled when studen said “lemme tell you how I got this ring” or am I the only addicted to tiktok…
Was it 5 hours of solo or group farming?:)
Is Adi still timed out in chat?
I got 1 207 in 1h
Hey studen, when im doing the skinning, should i wait with the posting to the auction house to the reset day with the heavy callous hide becuase of the higher legendary level or should i post it now, when on a full pop realm it's now at roughly 2.4k which is a lot more than usual?