EPIDEMIC HIDDEN OP? – Unholy Death Knight PvP – WoW Shadowlands Prepatch

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Epidemic kinda melted their team at waterworks..

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19 thoughts on “EPIDEMIC HIDDEN OP? – Unholy Death Knight PvP – WoW Shadowlands Prepatch”

  1. wowjesus= thrall aka green jesus

    if you mean most well known maybe hobbs the paladin, leeroyjenkins, luvs2spooge, red shirt guy, or those hyper popular horde people maybe nymh? idk

  2. and it's baseline now! It's great when people are stacked, literally outdamage casters in zerg fights like ashran or something, no aoe cap

    Been an unh main since prepatch destroyed frost, it's pretty great. I wouldnt say it's mm or sub great, but it's good, maybe almost spriest level. Have fun with hunters kiting and pallies 1 WoG to full tho lmao. The main issue is the defensives(and gcds/ramp up but eh thats just unholy), lichborne is a decent heal with a long cd, but death strikes feel like a waste of a gcd, I usually dont even run transfusion anymore.

  3. Mop demo was fun, but not for the actual spec. For the Dark Apotheosis glyph(that they may have been using as a way to like pre-pre-alpha test demon hunters??) that made you a tank. I remember stacking stam, having 1mil hp, healing for 100k with every tick of drain life, and have a ton of absorbs and everything being instant cast with it. It also did basically negative damage it was worse than an actual tanks damage. But it was so fun and so unkillable.

  4. yo I love your videos mate, and commentaries. I'm from vanilla, never played retail ever, and uhdk seems pretty fucking fun, I hope it's more than just deathstrike and dots like you said at some point in the video. Knowing how to set up ams, and other defensives seems like a big factor too. Idk I like to believe the skillcap is quite high ! Anyway, always fun to watch. Also, I don't think epidemic is op, it's high damage, sure but only against several players; and dealing 100 to 10 ppl is most of the time less usefull than dealing 1k to one person; especially considering the retail meta giving everyone some kind of heal. Just my opinion tho, haven't player retail yet


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