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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.2 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.2 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
The enh nerf is just pointless, and MW needed a bit more. Otherwise, not horrible. Rogue could use very minor nerfs though
Where the fuck is unholy or frost DK buff why is this class always getting punished
Wow no affliction love?? Sad.
Not actually nerfing destro is a meme.
I love the work blizzard is putting in the gane, trying to balance it as much they can, but many of this buffs and nerfs, are bad because the classes are out performing to much good because the tier sets and legendarys. Many of this classes will not need this buffs and nerfs if they didn't had 2x legos and tiersets. I myself could designs class tier sets better then blizzard did. 100% lol.
As an Outlaw main, do yall think the buffs are enough to unmake the joke that is the viability of outlaw?
Me gusta mucho tu música y tus videos cortos. 👍 uno de CUMPUSSYY.Uno Quiere compartir videos como el tuyoo para conseguir el cariño que no tiene.
So happy with the outlaw changes. Even with the nerfs it’ll still remain strong in pvp and it’ll hopefully be decent again in pve especially in mythic+
“Beast mastery aoe is significantly behind”
…laughs in assassination.
Welp time to unsub from WoW again
I see Necro ferals getting even more strong here. Higher hp so their % of health heals doing more healing, and longer games where their bleeds become more effective. Same to havoc dh, with their sustained pressure.
Affliction needs some love id say. The removal of demon armor hurts them a good bit and they weren't that strong already. Arcane I want to see do well but I don't think this is enough gonna need more changes and prolly a rework to become competitive.
ALL classes 20% more damage… Enhancement shamy 15% reduces chain harvest damage and healing… Better remove shaman from game, blizzard
Nothing for DH . At least nerf it so i can be happy because you guys didnt forget the class.
The fact spriest wasn't changed at all is a literal crime.
i dont find official info about shamans Nerf… is it true ?
where can i see news about bufs and nerfs
I'm starting to see blizz don't like ele shamy
crying as unholy dk and feral
Let's see how much dh will not even be get anything this expansion
Why is it Destro Lock, every time Blizz gives it even just the slightest love, its always immediately nerfed. It has always been one of the weakest classes.
Wow so lame no love to affliction warlock
I am here only to say that enhacement shaman lava lash playstyle its my favourite in Wow since release.