EVERYTHING Coming in Patch 10.2.7 "Dark Heart" | Dragonflight

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WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Overview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=929yHhvM1Wg)

Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96Rhugt1XRQ)
Outro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)

Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:21 Sponsor
01:09 Release Date
01:37 Harbinger Quests – Xal’atath Questline
02:57 Troll Heritage Armor
03:31 Draenei Heritage Armor
04:07 WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria
07:35 Personal Tabard
08:13 Hunter Stables
09:09 Dragonflight Renown Quests Available
09:29 Sins of the Sister Questline
09:59 New Boat from Bel’ameth to Gilneas
10:26 Premade Group Finder Filter
11:03 Ensemble Inspection Update
11:26 Dragonriding Races on Map
11:40 Mount Animation/Size Updates
12:10 New Character Customizations
12:19 Final Thoughts & Outro


30 thoughts on “EVERYTHING Coming in Patch 10.2.7 "Dark Heart" | Dragonflight”

  1. Pandaria came out to appease the Chinese. Now, after shutting down the game and causing a few thousand suicides in china….now we get pandaria remix: sorry for joking about turning wow off…………………………

    I am sure they can re-alive themselves, right?

  2. I so badly want to get back into wow. But can't help feel that nothing j would do in the game is anything different or better to what i have already done in the past. And even worse. I can't help but realize nothing matters because eventually they will make these rare mounts available just for some random event currency. Nothing matters in this game and nothing is new and exciting. Maybe when delves come out i can trick myself into pretending it is something new

  3. I like the sound of pandaria remix but at the same time wish there was a way to play it without creating another character. I have way too many characters I never use and a bunch of level boosts from buying the expansions and no need for them.

  4. Best class for 70boost as wownoob? Would like burst, mobility and atl semicomplex skill use/rotation? Seems to me maybe warrior would be a good choice? Survivability for solo grind and tank spec for queuing. Ty😎


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