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Patch 11.0.5 Notes:
Music (
Outro (
Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
01:00 WoWs 20th Anniversary Event
06:51 Classic Timewalking
08:51 Timewalking Updates & Changes
11:27 Blackrock Depths Raid
13:18 Dracthyr Updates
17:35 Transmog System Updates
18:35 Hero Talent & Class Reworks
19:01 Currency Transfer Update
19:31 Dark Iron Dwarf Mole Machine Updates
20:00 Character Select Screen Updates
20:18 Warbank Changes
20:34 Delve Vendor Update
20:52 Final Thoughts & Outro
Are you excited for Patch 11.0.5?
Why original deadmines for classic but the other ones are from cata 😢😂
So.. my templar set from the wrath pre launch will finally be in my mog book… even though i accidentally deleted it. T_T
Whats the chance of Corrupted Ashbringer being brought as an appearance?
Since I saw the Zygor tag on his stream friendly reminder that Zygor Guides openly scammed people after switching to their subscription model, They openly admitted that even though they were using the original Vanilla leveling guides NONE of the purchased guides would be available to classic players and you had to pay the sub to access them. Also after the war within launch multiple people lost access to guides due to an "error" and even though they had the receipts for the purchases they refused to give them access to them unless they paid the sub and when you add up $100 per faction per expansion you're looking at over $1500 worth of product people no longer have access to.
Finally getting my quest appearances unlocked
Anyone know if Dracthyr are still dragons on the login screen with this patch? Would be cool if I could see or choose the visage form instead
I feel like this guy has uploaded this video 3 times already
Does the class restricted items that I have in my inventory will also works ? I just got Sylvans bow on my mage… I still have it in my inventory
Is the van cleef xmog toy still available ? I wanna buy a whole loot of them
imma need that details profile export, shits clean af
The ring really isn't that amazing..
no cap?
I had stopped playing during the year of the 15th anniversary – I was trying to stay gone a full 6 months, too, so I could get a friend a resurrection scroll or something like that, when I did come back. That meant…I had to stay gone for the anniversary event, and I have regretted that ever since. (I really needed to save money at the time too, it had to be done.) I'm stoked to finally get the good boy I deserve! xD
The grind to exalted for Hydraxian Waterlords (Molten Core faction) is brutal. After revered, only bosses give rep. Hopefully there is a plan to make most of these now worthless reputations warbound.
Also seeing the Sunken Temple would be cool. We have unlockable classic scholomance and classic SM dungeons in retail…could easily do that with ST as well.
My most anticipated feature is buying Vanilla PvP rep tokens… oh wait
Wows 20th anniversary…. Can we get a caverns of time dungeon involving Lothar…… you know the godfather of the alliance or even a raid scenario where he faces off against doomhammer or do we have to wait another 20 years
The way you just casually mispronounce "Buffet" really irks me. It's buffee 😭
Stratholme time walking should be nice, but it's a shame it isn't the original like you said because I kept some characters at level 59 in dragon flight just so I could keep doing those old instances via the dungeon finder, as a result it won't feel as new an experience.
I suppose that's to be expected though because the cataclysm versions have the wings separated out as individual instances, the originals did not and it could make them a bit tedious to complete. That said I'd personally love to see a remastered, raid version of classic Stratholme one day, complete with homage to the atiesh quest.
8:08 so this is actually all the appearances from SoD for the class weapons which is super cool
No classic TW raid MC,BWL, or AQ40?
Yay for the mole machine getting an update… yet, still waiting for new druid portals since Legion 😑
i dont get how people get access to these patches before they come out, and do they get to keep the achievements they get?
so 3 dractyr friend can make a gathering group and only one has to fly around and when he is tired other one will takes over… pretty much good goldmaking opp
so they just took asmongolds ideas and made them into event XD
"majority of the events will take place outside the camsvoftime" bruhhhh, use words
while their on the retro rewind why not retro rewind all the stuff back to warlocks thats been stolen over the years 🥳
inb4 the longer the video the better
why did they remove the pvp reps 🙁 I was so excited about those
What about the mounts from the classic dungeon? 🤫
For a .5 patch this is massive
They will be Pristy but they couldn't make Paladin 😢😢😢
they shoud just leave this stuff in the game after the anniversary ends why remove good content from the game
13:37 I would understand shaman but I don’t get why they can be warlock
14:11 so you're telling me we're getting 'human' horde models? that's amazing
13:00 fantastic system is a stretch
Damn still no elf shaman or feral (rogue style) form fir druid 😂
crazy how over-nerfed dractyr racials are compare to Dorfs, or NElves, big yikes
Sounds like an awesome patch really!
I just hope we get Pandaren Druids soon in the future.