EVERYTHING Coming to the Trading Post in April 2023 | World of Warcraft

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37 thoughts on “EVERYTHING Coming to the Trading Post in April 2023 | World of Warcraft”

  1. So when you hit 100 for the swords at the end…you can’t earn anymore tokens? Cause I’ve don’t more challenges but my box is greyed out. The first month I could keep earning tokens

  2. They should have either let it be used on every class or made same themed weapons for every class the fact that swords have a druid feel and can't be used on a druid is crazy, great timing with April fools guys what a joke

  3. Loving the 2-handed sword and the pith helmet, the axe looks really cool. The trapper's munitions look fantastic and the Fists of Polar Fury have a cool look. I always loved Egbert, so I really wanted Egbob as well, but I saw a few people at the Trading Post with him and he didn't do the run-around thing Egbert does, which really makes me sad. Is there anyone who owns Egbob who can confirm (or deny) that he's stationary?

  4. the cloth transmog is a recolor of the outfits the vrykul wear like the mail one last month. Weirdly, the robe for this one is the same model as the one you get from island expeditions. But that was leather armor not cloth

  5. Welp seeing as I cant use the back piece cause its hunter only and I prob wont be able to use the swords cause I main druid… this month is TRASH. Also why the french toast cant druid use dual daggers or dual melee fist weapons!? Our Artifacts in legion were dual daggers and dual fist weapons like cmon.

  6. The only downside to back attachments is that they only work as a replacement for a cloak… So for hunters, the only way to have a quiver AND a cloak remains the artifact weapon appearances which is a shame…

    You can choose to have no cloak but on some races that will look weird and have the quiver flying behind your back rather than sticking to it 😒

  7. Trading Post should have been something where you just eager to buy staff and keep saving some things because they're cool.
    In reality, people hardly buy anything there because most of things are absolute dog shit.
    Not suprised at all. This is a common Blizzard approach to its playerbase.

  8. The only worthwhile thing from the trading post this month is the white gloves and the magenta dragon. Even then the white gloves hide 3D modeled bracers and are too high on the arms to look good. They’re also a flat projected texture on the character model. Is this 2023? I’m honestly shocked the art team puts such little effort into armor.


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