Everything We KNOW about Season 4 in World of Warcraft

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I wanted to cover the patch notes on Season 4 and explain what is going on with the Awakened season.

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28 thoughts on “Everything We KNOW about Season 4 in World of Warcraft”

  1. Pretty sure the bullion gear is just 0/12 gear and you can upgrade it to 12/12.

    So even if you get like an eranog ring from normal you’d want to get the one from the vendor eventually since it can be upgraded further.

  2. Overall just disappointing news for WoW these days. Season 3 got stale real fast, very little adjustment for season 4, and I haven't been thrilled with the expansion news. Meanwhile we get Plunderstorm/Panda something neither of which I'm keen on. I may just do the minimum for season 4 and then unsub till it looks like WoW is a game I want to play again.

  3. That's a revert for Resto Sham, not a nerf, since we just got that 5% buff. That's too funny. The new old tier is gonna be busted too, I don't think people realize how much you're gonna heal for with the old updated tier. My Lesser HW already crits for half people's HP, Healing Wave crits for almost an entire HP bar. After the new tier Healing Wave is gonna be critting for almost your entire HP bar.

  4. Once Timerunning opens up I feel like this season is finished. I just do not see it holding players attention. It’s better than nothing at the end of an expansion but definitely does not have anything that makes for compelling play.


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