Everything We Know About The Next WoW Expansion

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Blizzard reveals alpha for The War Within
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38 thoughts on “Everything We Know About The Next WoW Expansion”

  1. Does the arachnophobia filter work like the bread filter the Chinese had in their WoW versions? 😆
    Remember, if they don't fear something, they will not fear getting dirty when the time comes for it 🐑

  2. make questing more fun
    make questing easier with friends
    make the graphics better but not prettier
    make leveling slower
    make the combat better to read and more mechnaical engaging
    then i will play

    and ffs pls stop this generic boring as feelings based dialogs and story

  3. I SEE your videos from time to time (due to my wow searches) on youtube. I watch the interesting ones (like Wow's Darkest Secret).

    Before i start with my comments, i want to TELL you my skill level and how much time i have to play this game so you know.

    Skill : casual, solo, NOT dumb as fuck, as you say (but damn close to it).
    Time: 3-4 hours tops per wk. (why, i am a R&D eng at one of the largest companies on the planet – time is fleeting, it slips away fast at work – leaving min time for this game).

    Thank you for MAKING this video! Why?

    Raids: I don't know how to raid, don't have time to Raid (stand around and wait), i don't have time to be in a guild, the one i am in now – the group left about 6 years ago so pretty much me and my brother (similar time system, in band, touring, side businesses – not much time to play).

    The few times i was in Raid – i had no clue what to do (complete Raid idiot). I gave it a try after watching a couple raid videos – but raid groups don't have any patience (despite me telling them i was new at it) – boot. No big, i get it.

    Raid has gear – i thought i would like to get some of that – then gave it.

    Mythic – pass.

    Dungeons : I love the dungeons – hate the people in a mad dash! I don't want to watch a youtube video just to know what happens – to please those people. FUN is drained out of the game.

    As you said – i like playing the game, 100% HATE the way it's been implemented.

    OK – so i listened to you here and i'm glad i did! WHY?! I would NEVER have known of these changes that are bringing this game to (where it SHOULD have been years ago IMO) SOLO/Casual players (dumb as F@#$ in Raids apparently)

    I came back to this game a few weeks ago (after my massive 2 year hardcore R&D dev work wrapped up). After playing these last 3 weeks – i was thinking EVERYTHING that was said here.
    * I can't get gear, mounts, whatever from Raids/dungeons whatever.
    * I just do NOT HAVE TIME to grind rep on the few toons i play! I don't! I would rather spend all that time working on real world things (i.e. music, art, etc) To GRIND it out, i could not stomach that. You can do this on one tune, halfway through the second you are spent and leave the game.
    * I don't want to run dungeons with obnoxious/toxic players .
    (side note: I'm in a very high tech world. We get new people all the time. Our company would fail if us top lev engs treated new people with complete disrespect. it's all about building confidence, a solid foundation, love for what one does).

    UNTIL this War Within expansion (actually – me WATCHING this VIDEO) – i was asking myself, "do i really want to play this game – mostly doing a small portion of. it?" I was to quit again- i turned my sub off and put reasons (all the above in a shorter version).

    ONE MORE THING: UI sucks! I don't want to give an external site permission to look at anything – it should be behind a secure wall IN THE GAME!
    Specifically the following! (and – no, i'm not an expert and can't understand this first thing isn't in the game!):

    (do correct me if i am wroong)
    I want to be able to click on an achievement – and see the story lines (yes – this is there) but i cannot click on those story lines and SEE THE QUESTS (which i should then be able to click on and see where the quests ARE). There is NO precondition, there's no post-condition. If I need to finish something before i could start the achievement – i sure would be nice to know! (again – CASUAL GAMER here!)

    ALSO – What is so hard about adding at the bottom of all quests (related to an achievement) the name of the achievement(s)?!

    UI – all those addons you have to load, after 20 years, WHY are they NOT built into the game?!

    Seeing there is some pretty major progress going into this game for solo – really makes this game exponentially better for me (adds a ton of new excitement that just wasn't there before i watched this video). Now playing (turning sub back on – Blizzard can thank you for the deep dive) and enjoying it so much better.

    Professions still needs work – a later topic…

    Thanks again!

  4. cant they just listen to the hardcore players, those that actually uses most of what the game has to offer. They think they know better all the time but really they dont know anything especially since they replaced most of the devs on most games and fired a bunch a people. It amazes me how such a big studio/company like them or Ubisoft just keep fumbling over and over.

  5. Raiding and combat aren't really changing. Pandora's box is open on things like addons, weakauras, DBM, etc, and it's not being closed. Every expansion makes not a single dent in that, their focus has always been entirely upon the gameplay loop, features like borrowed power, talents, gamemodes, and with a focus on retention. There have been some interface reworks but people who keep calling for the end of addons don't understand something: It's not about making the game better, it's about keeping it profitable. The average player would recoil at talk of removing addons and there's nothing they can really do to prevent people from using them. If anything addons are just free labor for Blizzard, incentive not to fix the problems the addons address. It's just like all the WoW2 begging, wishful thinking for something that is so, so far from what Blizzard wants or can be expected to do.

  6. I'm getting tired of the theme park expansions design. Every expansion feels like you're going to a different disney park. While that's can be fun, it creates an awful story that just makes no fucking sense. One thing ties together and everything else is just left in that expansion. I think that's why the "classic" expansions felt so much better. Some parts were like a theme park, but you could tie a majority of the story together. Cataclyms dropped that and started the theme park trend until Legion where things came back to Sargeras in it's own theme park way. Maybe the game's always been like this and I'm just starting to care, idk. Either way the story and expansions need to be more connected instead of buying tickets to the new theme park section which will be almost entirely forgotten.

  7. About the Skin Variety… sorry! But that is Ridiculous!! In other Games I have 6 pieces of Armor + Backpack + Gliders + MOUNTS + Auras/ Weapon Effects, which can even be customized in Detail in 4 Color-Slots!


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