Exposing The Botting Mafia in World of Warcraft

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I wanna give credit to both Asmongold and Solheim for using clips from their response to my last video.

Asmons video: https://youtu.be/m9k7sOXb__E

Solheims Video: https://youtu.be/FSqhAVRKnMs

The Swedish botter is NOT affiliated with the botting mafia. Without his insights, I wouldn’t have learned about their software-splitting techniques and how they leverage cloud infrastructure to operate undetected right under Blizzard’s nose. Blizzard should investigate server connections originating from data centers across the EU and NA.

This might be much more challenging than it seems, considering many players use VPNs with routing techniques to connect to Blizzard servers, which could lead to false positives. But hey, I’m no expert on network engineering, or anything really. I’m just a guy who loves playing video games.

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30 thoughts on “Exposing The Botting Mafia in World of Warcraft”

  1. These guys wont do shit. They might have money but they are not going to send someone and also if the guy they want to send has charges already they wont get in the country. They might not even speak english so good luck with that. I wouldnt bother with the threats. Yes this guy got mails and as he said you can send mails to any place basically. They are hackers and not killers

  2. The problem really lies with what I feel like is a glaring fact that the bots keep the game alive. Hot take I know. But look at games like old school RuneScape. Also. There's so many people that appear to be playing that game, but I have to believe a large large percentage of it is just bots. Since they keep the money flowing, it's very hard for blizzard or jagex to have any kind of incentive to do what needs to be done. And I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know what that is

  3. So instead of dropping the topic and just resuming your life, you decided to make a video about it? While apparently fearing for your life?

    One is true , both are not

    Either you’re dumb af
    Or exaggerating how scared you are

    Which one

  4. You cannot fight automation manually, you would never have enough capacity.
    What Blizzard does with their ban waves – is fighting versions of the automation.
    Fighting cheaters and bots is always a loosing war as you got to invest into it and sacrifice QOL.

    Nobody will ever kill you. They would cross the line from immaterial crimes into actually recognizable offence.

  5. i have been reporting a lot of bots in retail but havend gotten a peep from blizz at all. its been years sinds. i would love for blizz to start implementing hardware bans instead of regular account bans. making it more costly to even start botting again. and if a cloud server gets blocked from playing wow all the beter. blizzard is using pea shooters to combat a problem that would require a nuke

  6. They don't care about you. You don't even make a dent in their profit. And even if they would care, they'd just run 10 more bots to make up for the losses and tell their programmer to fix the issue.
    Qwazar77 wrote in his video World of Warcraft Botting Illuminati about that, so you don't have to worry about that.

  7. I'm convinced having like 10 GMs working full time would be enough to clean up most of classic. There aren't that many really good farming spots and most of them require a decently high level to even access. Level 60 bots getting banned on hardcore, believe me, will hurt them. Figure out which spots are the most profitable to farm, have like a GM teleport there at a random time every hour and just clean it up. Hurt them where the money is.

  8. ah man I watched asmongold cover your vid. I know death threats are scary but 1. These people have nothing. If they did, they would have already come for you. Maybe they can dox you, but i bet most of these people are from other countries and dont have the ability to do what they wish they could do. They are pansies. Also, everytime I get gold spam in game to my mailbox I absolutely report it:)


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