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Fastest / Best AFK Leveling Spot in Shadowlands Prepatch 1-50 by Grinding Hyperspawn Mobs – No Quests required, all classes can do it at certain level. Some classes can do it 10-50, some 20-50. The requirements are mentioned in the video so make sure you watch it. This is not a bug, or exploit, or anything broken… it’s just a normal hyperspawn of mobs that you can kill over and over, for experience, and slight gold (to pay for upgrades at least).
Since Blizzard is trying to follow me around and fix everything I show on YouTube / Twitch, here is where you can watch some of the GOOD stuff:
► – Consider becoming a Patreon, because most of these videos will go over there, especially the good ones like Shadowlands Twinking, AFK grinding spots, broken leveling, etc.
I will keep on posting the good stuff that is “SAFE” from the Blizzard FIX hammer on youtube like Gold Making guides for Shadowlands, TSM tricks, Addon guides and tricks, and much more, but because they are acting stupid, I will have to hide them behind Patreon, so if they wanna fix it, they will have to at least pay me 😀
*To avoid confusion:* I don’t want you to think that there will be video on Patreon tomorrow or whatever day. As said at the start of the video: “In future these kinds of videos will be posted on Patreon”. It might be tomorrow, might be in 10 days. If you feel like you are wasting those $0.1 or $0.33 / day given on Patreon, then please, don’t sign up at all. I don’t want you to waste any money on supporting me 😉
Patreon is first of all, not a payment of any kind for my content, it’s more like voluntarily supporting medium for the content that I make on YouTube, Twitch & Patreon, and I will never feel the obligation to post anything there, in any given time frame.
I said IF i will post any of these videos in future anywhere, it won’t be on YouTube, but rather Patreon.
That being said, please consider all above and if you still feel like supporting me, welcome to the Patreon squad! (m)
If you have any questions, as always post them below!
Meanwhile Thank you for watching and stay Cool!
► Here is how you can support me: – Elite YouTube Community Member – Become Patreon and Support my Work! – Donate to me and Have your name on Stream pop up with Alert!
► Here is my social media: – IRL YouTube Channel – Discord – Live Stream – News and Updates – same but for Facebook fans
I've decided to post some of the more "exotic" guides and broken things on Patreon instead of YouTube, because out of recently Blizzard has been acting stupid, and fixing all the stuffs I show on stream/youtube.
Here is a link for those who wanna join up there, and support my work:
I will keep on posting on Youtube the chill leveling guides, tips and tricks, light twinking stuff, the gold making guides, addons, and much more, but I have to protect the content that is "broken" and more advantageous from Blizz. If they wanna fix it, at least they will have to pay for it 😀
Cheers for watching and let me know questions and stuffs below. Also like the video, and subscribe for future stuff.
Finally some vids from you!
Hey dude… that's a blast 😀
Man i missed u
1st comment 😀
i like it you can lvl up any character as you wish to do it .so many way to have fun lvling fast or slow now
Theres those catch up gear from timeless isle, draenor, argus and bfa that you can get b4 going there if you have any left.
Location is ?
Thx you for share
Can you please post a list of your addons? Atleast the one for Unit Frames 😁
I just joined you paetron for 3buckw and the last post from I was 3/17/19??? Wtf is that ?
You can also use the Draught of the Ten Lands elixir for the stats and experience boosts.
Thumbs up!
Fixed already ?:(
FIRST: The spot is FIXED! :@ (It says in the title as well, actually it got fixed 12 hours after video was posted.) – 3rd spot I've shown on Twitch / YouTube that got fixed 2-3 hours in.
SECOND (Regarding the XP Nerf to Dungeon boosting): I really don't understand why Blizzard is fixing everything that is not even game breaking or whatever. It's not like these spots generate 30000000g / hour or something. Most of them are 100% useless in gold-terms. All they do, is they provide alternative to people for leveling, a way to generate gold as well, so people find some entertainment or fulfillment, and content they do which in turn generates literally $$$ for Blizzard.
How? Well, in order to have boosters, we have to have bostees… which mean people that want to get boosted, and level up, and play max level as soon as possible. People who have done the quest lines 100+ times, or they have to work tight schedules, and have only couple hours to play a day, etc etc. Those people don't have much gold, but have money. So they go at Blizzard shop, they buy a token for $20, they sell it on AH, get 200k gold from it, and give the booster to "help them" get max level ASAP. That is How Blizzard earns money from it. And they nerf it. I really don't get it 😀
I always report bugs, and give feedback, and guide people through the way of fun, and never doing something bad to the game, i am litteraly against destroying the game… yet maybe… I have wronged the way… advice me boiz! 😀
It gives literally 0 advantage over other players, it's just a fun and creative way to play the game, it generates content, and it makes Blizz money.. I would really want Official Blizzard response to this, if there is a way tbh. If some is a buddy with Ian, let him know I said Hello.
LASTLY (To avoid confusion about Patreon:) I don't want you to think that there will be video on Patreon tomorrow or whatever day. As said at 00:49 that "In future these kinds of videos will be posted on Patreon". It might be tomorrow, might be in 10 days, or if Blizzard is good at Fixing the stuffs before I discover, maybe even never. If you feel like you are wasting those 0.1$ or $0.33 / day given on Patreon, then please, don't sign up at all. I don't want you to waste any money on supporting me 😉
Patreon is first of all, not a payment of any kind for my content, it's more like voluntarily supporting medium for the content that I make on YouTube, Twitch & Patreon, and I will never feel the obligation to post anything there, in any given time frame.
I said IF i will post any of these videos in future anywhere, it won't be on YouTube, but rather Patreon.
That being said, please consider all above and if you still feel like supporting me, head to & welcome to the Patreon squad! <3
why does he look like pilav?;:D
question: is it exploiting/cheating ? i mean.. i get penalty ?
tried but i dont seem to get XP on my lvl 45 character
Where do i see which enchants is best for heirlooms for classes while leveling?
This has been fixed.
Guys, what unit frame addon hes using?