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Forum Post:
0:00 Introduction
0:29 Eternal Call to the Void
1:46 Shadowflame Prism
3:31 Talbadar’s Stratagem
5:05 Painbreaker Psalm
7:25 Sephuz’s Proclamation
8:00 Echo of Eonar
9:00 Patreon
Music provided by Monstercat
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i just dont get why they made leggos so borring? I get why covenants might be weak/borring, since you locked into one.
But why leggos? there is no RNG on how to get them, they are acceseble to everyone, just why? make them feel impactful and strong.
Shadowflame prism is losing to searing nightmare dpswise, why are they competing with each other again? coz you dont wanna press mindblast on 4+ targets when taking SN or is there something else?
IMO sacrificing DoT uptime is an interesting concept if it would provide appropriate value.
Why not sacrifice 6sec of DoTs for 12sec worth of dmg?
Or sacrifice 8sec of SWP to get a bonus and if SWP falls off due to that effect, it's reapplied and the bonus is doubled. If I can't snipe low-hp targets, I'd be glad to snipe low-duration DoTs instead!
If Eonar and PI leggo are BIS I am going to be sad
Right now, Echo of Eonar is BiS for several specs with shitty legendaries, even some pure DPS classes, I think they will nerf it. After testing it in M+ last week, with both Holy and Shadow, if it stays the way it is right now, I'm not sure if I will even look for another one (maybe Sephuz for Holy, for dungeons with lots of dispels and mobs which CC players, plus it is a chest piece) it's boring as hell but, in a 5 man enviornment, the buff proc is awesome, and the 5% extra healing/damage makes of it very good, although boring because, I do not know if have say this, but it is boring.
omg if echo is bis i quit lol
Painbreaker Psalm might best be utilizing the free instant cast given by Unfurling Darkness. Casting VT, SW:D, Instant VT which gives you that little burst and you get pandemic on your dots. Just to me feels the way it should be used, but that is all on paper as I don't have Beta access.
this is very discouraging. Shadow seems like it's going to be a flavor of the month which already turns me off, but then every deep dive video, despite all the redesign and changes, shits on them. so are they so great everyone wants to use them? or are they just over hyped and a deep dive reveals they're in actuality pure shit?
While pain breaker seems pretty bad for PVE it seems like a pretty decent choice for PVP for finishing off opponent adding a lot of instant cast damage as well as some Insanity generation that is not through channeling mind flay. To me, it doesn't seem too bad as a PVP Choice it seems like it could be that extra push you need to finish off an opponent's sometimes.
What do you think about the Legendary from Venthyr rep, the one that givescast when moving ability? Sagacity one?
When all your dps legendaries are so bad that your best in slot is actually a healer legendary. Feelsbadman.
What do you think about incoming nerfs? I am levelling spre right now but after seeing your video about prepatch changes it makes me feelsbadman. Is the priest on the top of the DPS right now?
You going to be playing Panda in Shadowlands or you just testing all the races?
What do you think about a legendary that can make the spirits have a chance to proc extra while you are moving in combat? That would be kinda cool
Shadow Priest legendaries are not that interesting. I guess the tendril is fine but the rest are more or less trash.
AAAAAAND… Echo of Eonar has been nerfed… kind of to the ground, one less thing to worry about.
30 October Echoes of Eonas 10% dmg for 10 sec + 5% to 3 different allies for 10 sec.
Painbreaker Psalm would be great if it worked like the torghast power and consumed the ENTIRE dot, then you could execute stuff in mythic+ pretty reliably in a much bigger window. Maybe this would be OP combined with death and madness.