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#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP
Update: Hey, sorry for reuploading the movie again, I accidentally uploaded the wrong file first time. This is the full version, very similar to the first upload, just a bit more editing and some new clips.
Hey 😀
Another movie 🙂
Shadowlands pvp is really fun and I had some spare time on my hands, so I thought why not 😀
As always this is a fury warrior PvP movie made for fun and entertainment!
You are amazing brother, thank you I was waiting for a video of you since 2019, thank you :D, I'm from Peru, your videos are excellent.
so you prefer fury over arms?
I like that the movie is made in the Old School way. Brings back memories.
Nice movie bro.
You should hide the raid interface in BG for more visibility.
You are a beast ! Give me more blood please !! 🤺
Hola es un gusto que sigas vivo!, te sigo desde hace muchos años siempre me encantaron tus videos.
The legend is back
im from feel the fury 1 back in 2011. crazy to me how you came back! you still be on your bullshit and i love it! this is crazy honestly omg…
I actually unsubscribed 3 years ago and I came back just now to watch some nostalgia. I didn't know you had uploaded new videos!
Literally the reason I rolled my warrior alt all those years ago. So glad you are keeping up with the videos. ❤
amazing montage, it's a pleasure to watch
So underrated!