Feral Druid Shadowlands 9.0 Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenants, Soulbinds, Conduits & Legendaries

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0:00 – Intro
1:00 – Overview
3:02 – Race
3:55 – Talents
7:53 – PvP talents
10:03 – Covenant
10:45 – Soulbinds
11:35 – Conduits
12:44 – Legendary

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33 thoughts on “Feral Druid Shadowlands 9.0 Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenants, Soulbinds, Conduits & Legendaries”

  1. Your channel gave it a C tier a few weeks ago. That's barely viable borderline not viable tier. That's not middle of the pack in my opinion. Has anything changed since that melee tier or this is just the wording used? I'm not judging, I just want clarification :).

  2. Keep in mind this is just for min-maxing (hopefully). I refuse to make my druid, who is my only character that I somewhat RP because nature is cool, a necrolord. I have to go nightfae. Similarly, my 1st or 2nd alt, my DK, ideally would be necrolord, but nightfae seems to be the top choice. Good job Blizzard.

  3. saw several top tier ferals such as snupy or ilovelucy and others recommend kyrian or night fae as well. necrolord wasn't the "only viable pick" which is stated here. even syfoxy himself said a few days ago, that he isn't sure at all what he will pick. that being said i am very curious how skill-capped came to this conclusion. adaptive swarm buffs the periodic damage and hots, but those as stated here in this video are quite weak at the moment. on the other hand night fae and kyrian abilities give a very good and solid burst addition to your kit, which fits nice to most viable comps so far.

  4. I played Feral once upon a time, it was great for solo play and shapeshifting around is a lot of fun and provides a lot of utility, unfortunately you're stuck as an animal most of the time so you don't get to see your gear

  5. what about Strength of the wild? i have 2 questions:
    1) does it's heal critical works when i use regrowth while i'm on cat form?
    2) i thought this talent dont work on when i cast regrowth on myself, i am don't right?


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