Feral Plays Balance For the FIRST TIME | Balance Druid | 9.0 Shadowlands Battleground PVP

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The #1 Must have Feral Weakaura2 (bleed Tracking)
Elvui Code: https://justpaste.it/2yb4w
Artwork: https://www.instagram.com/monokubo.art/?hl=en
Edited by: me
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5 thoughts on “Feral Plays Balance For the FIRST TIME | Balance Druid | 9.0 Shadowlands Battleground PVP”

  1. Your build is not wrong at all in my oppinion!
    I think it's really dependant on your playstyle and if you play alone or in a group which could enable you to hard cast spells and go a more dps oriented build.
    Also this is like the first build I see prefering the lunar eclipse instead of solar! xD
    I'm a noob but I played something similar in bgs and had a lot of fun too! 😀
    Nice Boomkin content can't wait for more 😛


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