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Thanks for tuning into Part 13 of my World of Warcraft experience. Starting on the Afterlives cinematics, and getting ready to delve into Shadowlands, preparing for launch!
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Ursoc :C
You were quite correct yeah. The bear, Ursoc which is like the wild gods of bears and protection, was infected with the Nightmare and put down by the player. And then the poor guy got sent back to Ardenweald so he could chill for a bit and soon after got YOINKED for his anima. I think everyone felt the feels on this one. Especially since a lot of people love Ursoc. It's what he would've wanted though, so I think it was the right choice
Yeah, Ursoc the Bear was a boss in the Emerald Nightmare raid. Good guy turned by the Nightmare. And now he's gone :'(
The area you're thinking of is Val'Sharah in the Broken Isles, which is indeed Legion content.
It was Ursoc. Sad cinematic.
this afterlivesmade me feel really bad after watching it. Poor Ursoc. He deserved better.
I love you :d
Man im loving these wow reacts, keep it up!
What we know as player characters is that nature spirits often come back to life after a time, that bear, Ursoc, ho has a personal history with the druids, has died a couple times before, but always come back, so him dying for good this time is really moving.
Love your reaction videos Galaxy. That was quite an emotional bit of story telling. Never would have thought that if you told me ahead of time I would feel like that. Thanks
Still surprised they did Ursoc that way.
You saved the best for last! This was my personal favorite and honestly made my choice of what covenant I want to choose clear as day! The zone in game is absolutely beautiful as well!
Your thinking satyr half goat half man 😁
Poor ursoc meeting final death
As others have stated already, the bear was Ursoc. You were right, he was a part of the Legion Val'Sharah storyline, but he's been around since the beginning of the game entire – and was once an integral part of a Druids journey.
By far the most sad of all the 4 covenent vids. Partly cause the destruction of nature is not that foreign to us
This one literally makes me cry every time I watch it. And I say that as someone who has never played WoW.
Blizzard did my boy Ursoc dirty
It’s really sad that in the beginning ursoc said he will return and then they fully killed his soul off. Essentially he got true death.. really sad. But I’m going for night fae