FFXIV Player Reacts to WoW Shadowlands "Afterlives: Ardenweald" Cinematic

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Thanks for tuning into Part 13 of my World of Warcraft experience. Starting on the Afterlives cinematics, and getting ready to delve into Shadowlands, preparing for launch!
Which covenant are YOU going to choose? Tell me in the comments below!

And remember, you can catch me live at https://www.twitch.tv/galaxyaus !

Catch the original clip at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_IHQJy8feU 🙂


19 thoughts on “FFXIV Player Reacts to WoW Shadowlands "Afterlives: Ardenweald" Cinematic”

  1. You were quite correct yeah. The bear, Ursoc which is like the wild gods of bears and protection, was infected with the Nightmare and put down by the player. And then the poor guy got sent back to Ardenweald so he could chill for a bit and soon after got YOINKED for his anima. I think everyone felt the feels on this one. Especially since a lot of people love Ursoc. It's what he would've wanted though, so I think it was the right choice

  2. What we know as player characters is that nature spirits often come back to life after a time, that bear, Ursoc, ho has a personal history with the druids, has died a couple times before, but always come back, so him dying for good this time is really moving.

  3. As others have stated already, the bear was Ursoc. You were right, he was a part of the Legion Val'Sharah storyline, but he's been around since the beginning of the game entire – and was once an integral part of a Druids journey.


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