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Hi everyone! Im glad you guys are enjoying the world of warcraft reactions! These trailers are seriously incredible, i have to give it to blizzard, they know how to make a trailer. In this one ill be checking out the cinematic trailers for mists of pandaria and warloards of draenor, so hope you enjoy!
original videos:
yeah if you are coming in expecting some sort of MSQ while leveling, this aint the game. in fact, Id say only about 10% of the main story is even explained during the leveling process, Blizzard only has leveling because its a MMO staple and have sped it up so much, even if you do their version of new game+ called "Chromie Time., you will barely understand anything before you are forcibly ripped away with a 30 sec timer into a loading screen from whatever you are doing to be thrown into the new content once you reach a certain level. that pretty much shows how much Blizzard cares about its legacy story content. Imagine being in Heavensward and dinging Lv 80, then suddenly you get a 30 sec countdown to a loading screen. "Welcome to Endwalker".
Warlords of Draenor could have been the best expansion blizzard ever made. It's sad they cut and scrapped a bunch of content to make way for legion. Would have had two amazing expansions back to back. With that said WoD Cinematic remains the best they ever produced.
If you want to be able to understand wow lore, I recommend you watch some of Hirumaredx's vidoes, he has some amazing insight on the lore, along with Platinum WoW. Books are only required if you want a really in depth approach to everything. 🙂
Hiru YT:
Platinum WoW:
sadly the only good thing about blizzard is their trailers and cinematics. Story telling is on a middle school level at best. And their game design philosophy for wow is burn the past expansion to the ground to force people to buy into the new expansion. I personally dont think classic wow should even exist. While its great for them from a business perspective it only exists because of how badly they have designed the game. For the most part TBC an onward is still all present and MOSTLY unchanged in retail wow. The biggest change is the classes get massively revamped each expansion and the leveling is faster so you cant go through an old expansion at the pace you would have originally. And doing end game content in those expansions doesnt really exist. they do have timewalking which scales you down to the level you would have been back then but the new moves you have mostly have you over powering the dungeons and raids though some mechanics can still be a bit punishing for people who are used to the dumber modern gameplay. but they have a whole section of the game which is about time travel. they could have all classic content in there and not segregated from the rest of the game. its awkward af to me that the games are split like this.
all FF14 players need to acknowledge WoW, for Cataclysm was an inspiration for what would become A Realm Reborn. i respect that you are not just taking a dump on WoW, even when it isnt your MMO.
Greed over innovation will eventually kill Blizzard.
Nah the best way to learn the lore is just watching lore videos while you're pooping or something. Thats what I do lol.
The game has it's own Lore the Books expand on the Lore . When yiu done with Expansion trailers you should check out the Black Temples trailer
The old, "I hate you. You hate me. But neither of us like that other thing. Lets kill it first, THEN go back to hating each other."
Shadowlands had a decent trailer and then it and it's story were complete garbage. FFXIV has some stellar trailers as well and then an actually good story to back it up.
There's plenty of lore synopsis videos on YouTube. I've been playing since vanilla and never read any of the books.
Start at the very beginning of nobbel 87 videos and you will learn all the lore you need to know and his videos are excellent. I don't want them to change a thing they did change it so that you can play the expansions in the order that you want to. But I don't want them to change it too much I've been playing the game forever now and to be honest I never even cared about the law until it's not that long ago a few years. And I have been playing the beta since it came out and trust me if you want to play the game that everybody was hyped about in 2004 when it first come out now is the time to start playing because dragon flights is excellent and is Warcraft as it used to be
hey dude, your videos are really cool and funny, i like it a lot, keep on going mate! <3
lovely greetings from a world of warcraft player
you can learn enough context by playing if you read quests and such….if you wanna deep dive lore there is a ton of other stuff
WoD could have been so good. They cut to many corners and killed great storylines. If they would have went fully in on the lore of WoD. It would have been the best one. Instead one of the worst. Very sad.
Mist is one of the greatest Raiding expac ever. The raids and class design were at the peak of WoW. One of my favorite expacs.
Who claimed you have to read the books? I play since '08. Never touched a book. Its all self explained by playing the quests
If you liked Warlords of Draenor cinematic, I recommend checking out "Lords of War"
There's a funny little bonus cinematic for Mists of Pandaria
you dont need to read the books the books are now none canon just watch a youtuber talking about the lore and some of the lore u just find out in game
I've been playing over 15 years, I've never really payed attention to the lore. Just good game play. Only recently have I tried to understand but at this point its a dubb. As a ff player maybe it's important to you, but I'd recommend trying it. You can always go back and level a different toon and pay closer attention to it, while enjoying a new class to play.
If you play the game and actually read ALL of the text most of its in there. You get the gist of it anyway. But like with all great stories, you get hooked with what they initially give and willingly seek out more and more details happily falling down a chasm of lore.
What better case for 'better the devil you know' than an orc and human realising they might need each other to survive in an unknown? It goes to show, doesn't it, how easy peace can be?
Honestly u dont need to read the books at all, most of the time the books arent taken as cannon by the devs anyway.
The books are just there to give some more lore to the biggest of nerds who enjoy that content aswell as to give wow some exposure. They don't always make books about the current lore either, could be totally irrelevant or to explain some old thing or future lore prospect.
The MoP expansion was such a work of ART, especially this trailer that showed off the new class and race in such a badass yet funny way.
Their frikkin faces when looking at the PANDA who was kicking both their asses before the Sailor just silently handed over his spear to the Orc and the Orc just frikkin TOOK IT without even looking was such a detail, i still almost get a stomach cramp from laughing so hard at the subtle humor in the MoP trailer. XD
Love the mists of pandaria trailer
Nice reactions to these!
people love to shit on pandaria expansion because it had panda's (aka furrys as some people called them) but the lore and story was REALLY fucking good in that expansion
Mists of Pandaria was awesome….
I always loved the Mists cinematic because its light and fun, introduces the Monk class in a super cool way, and shows you how absolutely BALLIN Chen Stormstout is. Plus the oriental aesthetic of the whole expansion was great. MoP doesn't get the credit it deserves imo. Warlords has a great cinematic too…but the expansion was so bad it left a sour taste in my mouth lmao.
Just a quick fyi, Kung fu Panda orginally came out in 2008. Chen Stormstout was first featured in Warcraft 3 in early 2004.
And Blizzard's chief art director, Samwise Didier, had been putting pandas into his art long before that.