Filmmaker Reacts: Shadowlands Epilogue – World of Warcraft

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19 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: Shadowlands Epilogue – World of Warcraft”

  1. One thing I love to mention, if you watch the scene where the jailer succeeds against the arbiter, HIGHLY Recommended putting on subtitles because there is something so subtle you miss it without realizing it

  2. I don't know for sure if you've reacted to this or not, but you should watch the duel between Garrosh and Thrall from Warlords of Draenor, it's going backwards in time from your shadowlands vids but I love that cutscene especially for the voice acting

  3. Spoiler Alert here. The reason why The Jailer looks like that is because the Pantheon of the Shadowlands are artificial, sentient constructs created by a group of beings known as The First Ones. In fact one of the bosses in the raid leading up to The Jailer is called the Prototype Pantheon where you fight Mk 1 versions of the leaders of the Shadowlands.

  4. I think the reason Sylvanas submitted to the judgement of Tyranda is because she realized she had become the monster she hated in Arthas. That realization opened her eyes and she felt she needed to redeem herself from what she had become.

  5. I don't think Little Lion was ever a taunt. You don't taunt anyone by calling them a little lion. Even calling him little acknowledges that he is a lion at all. There was a big lion Varian and a little lion Anduin. It was always at least the minimum level of respect.

  6. To me, when Sylvanas asks "Must you bear that weight?" it's a question not to him, but to herself. It's coated in regret and shame. Like she's asking herself "Have I truly done so much damage to you?" Honestly, kinda brings me to tears a little.


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