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Hey guys, how’s it going? Chris Connor here and welcome to another episode of filmmaker reacts for my channel. Seat back, relax and lets study the filmmaking techniques as well as talk about what visual effects can be pulled of within after effects! his week we are taking a look at the world of warcraft dragonflight cinematic trailer!
In part 1 I react to the world of warcraft and in part 2 we dive in to have a trailer analysis! Make sure to let me know which trailer you would like me to react next!
Let me know which effects you would like to see in a CREATRIX After Effects Tutorial! Enjoy!
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#Worldofwarcraft #Filmmaker #Reaction
Sick to be back with WOW! Hit a follow on insta to see whats coming and get 20% off my cine luts!
Thanks for this video bro
no not deathwing…. galagras….
Only blizzard could make me cry for a statue!
these are great, earned a sub
Hi, if there is nothing to watch to record the reaction, you can go back to Overwatch, because there is also an origin story of the characters, I would like to see your emotions. The story of Sigma makes me shudder every time!
So having played WoW since wrath, at first, I kind of found this cinematic underwhelming because it had less action compared to others. However, the more I watch it, the more I appreciate it for it is. it has a hopeful and energizing tone to it. it kind of feels like coming home after a long time, which saying that now I realize thats the point. the dragon aspects are returning to their homeland after being away from it for millennia. and there's further symbolism in this that those who haven't played WoW for years, in keeping with the coming home theme, because, if the reveal stream was anything to go bhy, they are partially going back to the old way of doing somethings, which many have been asking for (talent trees, no more borrowed power, etc) but again, thats just for those who've been playing a while.
a few things easily missed: when Stony Tony is pulling the two sides of the orbs together, you can see in the background that some of the clouds have faint glows of red, green, and blue, which are three of the colors from the remaining major dragonflights, the fourth remaining dragon flight (bronze) being represented in the glowing of the orb. the glowing may also be the actual dragons trying to find there way in, as without the beacon, they can't get in. hence the reason Stony has to pull the two haves of the orb together.
and ealier in the cinematic, when Stony is waking up, you made a comment about the glowing waters. I believe thats the land sensing the dragons return. the waters are the first indicator, and as our rocky friend is making his way to the beacon, you can see the land waking up, with the flower opening in the foreground, and the magma bubbling around him as he makes his way up the tower to the beacon.
like I said, the more I watch this cinematic, the more I come to appreciate it and love it.
I request can you react Legends of Runeterra Breathe its song that is so amazing and so good to hear <3
thats Alexstrasza narrating. she is the red dragon at the end
When you see at the start when the watchers are looking over the ocean to the green clouds (the burning legion) and you see shadows zip over then, it's the dragons flying over heading to the threat. Also if you look closely in the clouds when the stone watcher is pulling the 2 halves together near the end you will see red, blue, green and yellow streaks signaling the dragons are back but can't see the way in yet.
I hear you on the "not knowing who the narrator is" but as a player most of us will already know.
There's a new star wars old republic trailer 2 months ago called disorder been waiting for a vid
REQUEST: Could you please do Rainbow six siege Tournament of Champions?
For some more R6 in your channel besides the R6 Extraction
Galakrond cough cough
The best thing about this cinematic is that its not about "the new enemy" , its very neutral and sure it lets us know the next destination, but we dont know what we are facing there. And that in itself i love.
the worst blizzard cinematic I've ever seen by far. truly sad. 0 hype ):
Must feel good to be home after 10,000 years.
Hi, Chris. I love your reactions and analysis. You should react to "Legion". It's my favorites WOW cinematics
Thank you for your insight into this. I'm not a filmmaker. I'm a warcraft player although I have not played in a while as college studies keeps me away from this game – last year for college this fall until next summer when I will finally have my degree. The red dragon you are hearing and seeing is Alexstrasza and we all knew who was speaking when we first watched the trailer as many of us have played from 2005 – some joined later. I would really love to see you react to "Ysera's Death Cinematic" – it is an in game cinematic and as a player, knowing who Ysera is or was, it really hit me in the feels. I personally think it is one of the most tragic but beautiful scenes in the whole of warcraft history.
I find it a bit funny that, in all these years, the cinematic that has the best final transition to the Warcraft Logo, is the Warlords of Draenor cinematic, and the 2nd best is Mists of Pandaria.
Dragonflight last chords with the logo feel weak (this is not a comment on the quality of the cinematic, just the logo reveal)
Watch WoD cinematic just to understand… The way they introduced the logo still gives me chills!
It's so good to see that you returned to WoW reactions. Awesome reaction with thorough analysis. Keep up the good work!
More World of Warcraft recommendations: (preferably in this order)
Burning Crusade Trailer (that's the only one you haven't seen from the expansions)
Wrath of the Lich King – Wrathgate cinematic, Fall of the Lich cinematic, Fall of the Lich King ending.
(↓ these are part of Battle for Azeroth ↓)
Warbringers Jaina
Warbringers Sylvanas (it explains how she became what she is)
Warbringers Azshara
(↑ these are part of Battle for Azeroth ↑)
Shadowlands Trailer (you've already seen that one)
Shadowlands: Beyond the Veil
Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion
Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus
Shadowlands Afterlives: Ardenweald
Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth
Shadowlands Sylvanas motives [No more lies]
Shadowlands Sylvanas' Choice
Shadowlands: Chains of Domination – Kingsmourne
Shadowlands: Chains of Domination – Sylvanas vs Tyrande
Shadowlands: Reality's end – Sylvanas' Defeat
Shadowlands: Shattered Legacies
Shadowlands: Sepulcher of the First Ones – Anduin Cinematic
Shadowlands: Jailer's defeat
Shadowlands: Sylvanas' Judgement/Punishment
Shadowlands Epilogue – Anduin finds Sylvanas in the Maw
After this comes the Dragonflight expansion
Great vid as always! But if you had to review one, and only one wow expansion trailer: Legion. The best by far !
Deathwing's been dead for like 8 years.
такая хуита….
Blizzard makes a trailer that has no fight in it, no shiny soldiers and half naked female characters, just some dragons and stoned guardians. Yet it was sick af !!!
Deathwing dead homie, or at least trapped in The Maelstrom. There's a dragon that is… Bigger and more angry that I hope makes an appearance.
lost count how many times you said "sick" …
That cinematic is kind of slow… in terms of action etc.. there's been much better ones from blizzard
4:15 "How big are they?" A good question! Probably somewhere in the range of 20-30 feet tall, especially if other Titan constructs are taken into account.
I love you 🙂 your reactions are natural and as a bonus i get filmmaker's breakdown
they are human size!
its probaby Alextraza the queen dragon, life-binder aspect
hi, hola, i like see u on the LIch King Cinematics
Nice brocoli head
I have been playing world of warcraft for 11 years since Cataclysm. How epic and amazing the cutscenes of the game are all of the early years – so shockingly bad Dragonflight cutscenes. And the addition brought disappointment that I had not found for myself in the world of Azeroth yet. Dragonflight is specifically a poop at the moment
love the warcraft stuff man, been playing this game since alpha and made up a good chunk of my life, incredible story! Growing up with the warcraft universe it really feels at home!
This cinematic is beautiful and dramatic, but devoid of content. A picture is worth a thousand words so why lavish a cinematic on what can be relayed in a single sentence? "The dragon people are returning." Notice there are no main characters from the storylines so it does not engage any emotional investment from the player base. The rock Watchers are passive characters who have never been interactive with players. Blizzard creates these spectacular cinematics to entice players into purchasing the next expansion. It fails in that capacity as the dragons are uninteresting to me. I've played ever since the Burning Crusade expansion. The death of Varian Wyrnn was a killing blow to my enthusiam and the absence imposed upon his son Anduin during Shadowlands incinerated what remained. I cancelled both my subs with this cinematic, realizing the game would not correct for past mistakes but was heading off to somewhere I could care less about.
This is the cimematic I expected when I started watching the other one… and I believe the word he's looking for is "weathering" 10k years is a lot of time even for granite.
Looking forward to your reaction of WoW: The War Within trailer.