Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft Cinematics Live

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42 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft Cinematics Live”

  1. People irl are/were mad because they feel it ruins Elune as a character. She purposely didn't help Tyrande at the battle for Teldrassil so that the Winter Queen could have those night elf souls to help with the anima drought. Of course the souls ended up in the Maw, but Elune didnt know that. People wanted Elune to be pure good, and thats a questionable decision on her part to let all the nelves die. I personally like it thought, because It makes the Gods faliable. I find Gods to be much more interesting when they are imperfect beings.

  2. I love the positivity here. There was a lot of negativity in WoW (& in the world) at the time — it's great to look back with clearer eyes & see some of the cool things about Shadowlands.

    PS: The Sylvanas novel is one of the best WoW novels imo & it's written in the setting of Sylvanas telling Anduin her life story to convince him during their conversation in the Maw.

  3. Loved the stream! I really enjoy your positivity regarding the story. It's great to be able to come here, have fun, and see a bright spin on things.
    As for Sylvanas' new look… I think they just gave it to her b/c they could (matching the Maw's aesthetic). Her lips(tick) is dark, too, so that changes her face a lot.
    I was one of those people who was left scratching my head at some of the Sylvanas stuff but after reading her novel her arc makes so much more sense. I won't spoil. Just know that a lot of stuff is filled in via the novel, esp Anduin's captivity there and their relationship (which you've picked up on here).
    Can't wait for the continuation!

  4. Shadowland's cinematics were great! Unlike many, I also liked the fantastical setting. Not everyone connected to the concept of exploring some of the afterlives of WoW. For me, the main problems were:

    1. That it was told like a book, but with chapters releasing really slowly. Meaning you were basically waiting for 6 years for the pay-off and answers behind stuff like the Burning of Teldrassil. Took forever, and required an actual book to be bought at the end too, to get the complete answer on what Sylvanas' true motivations were, and how the Jailer brought her to his side.
    2. The Jailer. There's some cool things about him, some of which he's yet to do. But he lost me when he said "Pitiful Mortal" to Baine. He was a generic Deep Voice Evil Guy, lacking charisma, clearly evil, and his worst sin is that he was basically a parasite on the awesome plotline of Arthas and the Scourge. No one was waiting for "It was the Jailer, aaall along~".

    They do a much better job in Dragonflight giving the villains in Dragonflight engaging personalities, establishing their nature, giving you what you need of their backstory, and making their motives understandable.

  5. The reason the Moon's power waned was because Tyrande said, "My life for hers." I think Elune didn't want Tyrande to die here.
    Also, a lot of players thought Elune didn't save the Night Elves at Teldrassil to sacrifice them for Ardenweald. That wasn't the case. Elune didn't burn the tree, she only sent them "in the wake of tragedy."

  6. 2:36:12 This is one of the only times you'll see Sylvanas falter this far into her character progression. Normally she's got herself composed for some nonsense ahead of time. I don't remember if there's a cutscene for it, and it might've been removed from the game when they went woke, but after Arthas killed her and raised her as a banshee, she tried to commit suicide by throwing herself off of the top of Icecrown Citadel onto one of the seranite spikes at the base of it, but she still lived. Ever since then her progression, as a student of psychology, has been similar to an abuse/trauma victim. This' why in this scene Anduin makes the 'free will' jab at her to try and get a rise out of her, because for most of her life she's felt like she didn't have any ability to decide the course of her life. But now such an opportunity has presented itself, she's latched onto it. For her, this course of action means that no one will control her again. Now, this was poorly implemented in-game, and kinda just made up as they went with each expansion, which is why I think a lot of people don't like her. I was one of them at the time. It's only later that I analyse everything as a whole that I start to see what they were trying to do with her.

  7. lol people bein real judgey about lvling people's transmog….. Who the hell is re-transmogging every time you get an upgrade while leveling? I don't transmog again ever till I hit the cap and have something of a stable set. Transmogging greens is a waste of money.

  8. When you play wow if you do play retail do not boost a character because you'll get very overwhelmed with being thrown into Dragon Flight. Boost your second character instead. You can read up on what class fantasy you'd like in game or go in blind it doesn't really matter. There are a fair bit of addons which can be beneficial for gameplay but I assume you want the base game experience for the first bit before deciding on trying them.

  9. Shadowlands is marginally better if you believe the Primus is dominating Zovaal the whole time.

    He’s literally covered in glowing domination runes, just like Anduin. It’s hard to unsee.

  10. My opinion of Wow movie or TV show: I agree that they made a mistake starting at the beginning, every story has history like Iron Man had his father's company and the military connection, it seems like they forgot a movie needs a main character facing a problem that gets resolved in the movie. If they wanted to lead into a trilogy or series (they wanted to do a trilogy right?) they already had major plots that could have fit several movies in Ilidan, and Arthas, and others. The movie plot focused on people who were backstory to something else, not people who had a plot of their own that would be resolved in a satisfying way.

  11. As far as i remember, Nathanos was the first and only human acknowledged as a Forestal Ranger by the high elves of Silvermoon, i think he was trained by Sylvanas, too. The place where he is killed by Tyrande is where he lived before you know, dying the first time. And if I'm correct, Sylvanas went to his cabin frequently, if you know what i mean. If i said something wrong, feel free to correct me. I can't even remember where or when i read this 😅, probably in the wiki or in some of noble videos

  12. I always interpreted Anduin's look to the light when he summoned it in the BFA cinematic as a look of awe of the power of the light, as he in he was literally blinded by the light, it was too much to look at directly. It also conveys humility. I don't think it was hesitation or unceratinty.

  13. Sadly with how they dont have many cut scenes/cinematic and all. Is due to covid and how they all had to work at home. So Shadowlands really suffer from it. Then you had all the drama at Blizzard/Actvision. People compare Shadowland with Warlords. Warlords they tried to much. Shadowlands they could not do a lot with

  14. Whoever told at some point in stream that Arthas was as innocent as Anduin – that is a straight up lie, dude massacred whole town out of rage and vangance, not because it was required, broke king's(fathers) orders to stay in kingdom, refused the law, didn't care for his man. Flamed and killed his own mercenaries who helped him, when he got caught on crime against kings orders(burning his own ships so his army couldn't leave to protect home as king ordered them to).
    Arthas always has been an ignorant teen, awful and stupid person way before any corruption. The only reason he can be relatable is because there so many arrogant hateful immature humans in real life. Everyone who says arthas did nothing wrong, or that he was good – you are mere fanboys denying reality. Arthas was the worst of them all, Illidan even Garrosh, they at least were true to themselves not lying about their goals or reasons, Arthas never gave a shit about saving his people, it was his pride and desire to vengeance and glory the led him. But he was bullshiting about we have to do this for the better good.

    imho he actually became better ONLY AFTER becoming lich king(connecting with the crown directly).

    Summary of said above: Arthas = trash, always has been, and this in undebatable fact.

  15. Just wanted to say, if you watch them with subtitles, game actually translates what Tyrande says in elvish, before she leaps into air to catch Sylvanas: Elune it is time, inkua mele na. Which means, my life for hers. It is speculated that Elune draws her power back as she doesn't want for Tyrande to sacrifice herself. (In game you go through quests, basically indicating that no previous night warrior managed to survive Elune's raw power, and Tyrande if not aid would die as well due to the sheer strength of Elune)

  16. 1:26:19 I believe it's not a spoiler (but it easily could be Shadowlands propaganda) – all of "Eternal Ones" aka covenants leaders created their respective afterlives by their mere thought. If so – they are insanely, extremely powerful.

  17. Unpopular take from someone that played since WoD.

    Shadowlands was fine, atmosphere, lore was good, story narrative was problem because they didnt explain much what is going on so players had to put pieces of puzzle together to look back at shadowlands and realize what happened.

    To some shadowlands is mistery, to some it was just thrash narrative direction.

    IMO they didnt reveal the true end of shadowlands and it will be revealed in next expacs. They threw in WoW some hints, hearthstone had some big hints.


    For those that dont believe that Primus was true mastermind behind everything you gotta ask yourself…

    How was the one who controls and one who created domination magic being imprisoned by it.

    Why Primus had connections to Aman'Thul and why did he help him secure the shadowlands.

    It was very hinted in last cinematic, i know everyone was just too sick of their writing back then, but look at perspective of Zoval and what he tells primus knowing Primus framed him.

    Why Zoval had carved domination runes both on his skin and puppet.

    Also Hearthstone card Primus released as Titan card in Hearthstone in Titan expansion, all other Eternals released as normal cards back in Shadowlands hearthstone expansion.

    Primus had so so much plot holes in Shadowlands especially for those that played through whole expansion you know what im talking about, its funny how you can believe otherwise.

    Just look at Zoval and Primus.

    Zoval non generic villain with no plot, no achievment, no title except being Jailer

    PRIMUS: Biggest master tactician ever, never lost a battle, creator of domination magic.
    Yet he goes alone to maw and disappears and "gets kidnapped" by most untalented guy and locked down in the Maw.

    Its really absurd.
    Even the books that were placed in Korthia and SL that talk about Primus, it all makes perfectly sense.

  18. The WoW criticism about the player character’s involvement, versus what happens in FFXIV is a difference in philosophy, and one that often divides the community. A lot of WoW fans want that, whereas others (myself included) want to be a part of the story, but not the protagonist. I think it’s always going to be something that gets disagreed on, because not everyone wants the same thing out of their games.

  19. Is a /little/ odd that the failsafe for the Arbiter failing was 'everyone's damned, oh well' . Like an inverse of the 'better that 99 guilty are let off than 1 innocent is imprisoned' .
    Here it's 'no matter the cost, the evil MUST be condemned.'

  20. So! When Ysera was corrupted and killed in Legion(And taken up by Elune as a constellation, which the Winter Queen went in reverse for), her eyes were regular draconic like the other Aspects following the events in Cataclysm, where they sacrificed their 'Aspectral Power' & Immortality. It's an indicator of power and position.
    Ysera's eyes going back to that flowing flame (and yes a colour shift due to the Power that did this being of a different – yet connected – Kind) indicated Ysera hadn't just been resurrected, but Restored.

  21. The emblem of Stormwind is a Lion. Silvanas knew Varion and in fact Varion was capured by the horde, suffered amnesia, and won great praise or at least respect from the horde by winning their major tournament as an enslaved gladiator. Silvanas' "little lion" affectation might actually be a small show of residual respect for Varian.

  22. Arthas had a large ego and wasn't at all like Anduin. Yes, Arthas was a victim as was Anduin. Anduin believed in peaceful coexistance with the horde.. He believed in sharing the world with what amounted to refugee orcs, escaping the destruction of their world caused by the burning legion…. Arthas would have considered the orcs only invaders who drstroyed their own world in league with the burning crusade demons.

  23. The cinematics of Shadowlands may have been amazing, but the story is BULLSHIT through and through. The Night Elves have been shat on since the very beginning and it continues through every expansion up to, including and after Shadowlands. Even in Dragonflight.

  24. Tyranda is pissed off about way more than just the tree. Don't get me wrong, the tree was bad.. but shes been in a really bad mood for a while.. since the poisoning of her husband and the corruption and death of a certain dragon.

  25. In the grand scheme of Warcraft lore, Shadowlands was poorly implemented. It went all in on trying to connect "new" lore to the best of what we already had in an attempt to make it make sense. It failed, I love what they were trying to do. As a stand alone watching from the outside I can see how good I seems.

    Once I was able to step outside the box and see what they were wanting to do, I enjoy Shadowlands and what they tried to do more. I wont ever excuse the poor execution of it. It could have been so much better than it was, but the base for it was there.

  26. FUN FACTS for those too young to know the references, or just too unfamiliar: 3 of those stewards of Oribos bear names tied to legendary SciFI stories.

    Tal-Inara – reference of Inara Serra, companion from "Firefly" and "Serenity"'
    Kah- Sher and Kah-Delen: references from Captain/President John Sheridan [Human], and Ambassador/Entil'zha Delenn [Minbari], the storied married couple and leaders of the Army of Light in Babylon 5


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