Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Lost Honor Cinematic

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28 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Lost Honor Cinematic”

  1. Really shows the respect Saurfang has for Anduin. When you kill Saurfang's son, that was risen as a death knight by the Lich King, initially Saurfang is barred from seeing his son's body by the Alliance. Varian being king at the time, and a father as well, tells them to stand down and let a grieving father pass and collect his son. Varian and Saurfang had a huge amount of respect for one another warrior to warrior, father to father.

  2. At Lordaeron we saw Anduin as he wanted to project himself. Strong, determined, resolved. The King of the Alliance, here to do what his father had promised when the Horde was lead to a place without honor.

    I feel like here we see Anduin as he is. He is strong, but in a different way than his father was.

  3. You hit the nail on the head with Saurfang wanting to kill Sylvanas but not being able to. it harkens back to a promise he made to Garrosh Hellscream, even before he became a Warchief. They were both sitting in a command room in Northrend discussing how to deal with the Scourge and their lack of resources. Garrosh, young, glory-thirsty and hot headed as he was, walked up to the Alliance bases in the map and stomped them to make the point that he wanted to attack the Alliance to take their bases and resources in order to then fight the Scourge. Which sounded a lot like his warmongering father, Grom Hellscream. To that, Saurfang replied by telling Garrosh he should watch himself and avoid becoming his father. Because Saurfang was not going to allow Garrosh to take the Horde down that dark path again, that he would decapitate Garrosh on the spot if he caught so much as a glimpse of him wanting to act on those impulses.

    Sadly the writers kind of forgot about that when they made Garrosh Warchief, and we never got any kind of scene where Saurfang was harkening back to that lethal promise he made when Garrosh was becoming increasingly more expansionist and aggressive. With Sylvanas it happened again, and I can just imagine how much Saurfang wished he could just take Sylvanas' head.

  4. I wish Blizzard would just make WoW animated tv shows already. Their cinematics team is so good, at some point in history they've carried Blizz through bad content they're so good. I would just love to see a WoW show done by Frederator Studios, or Studio Mir.

  5. So its not a cinematic. But theres history here your missing. During the Icecrown Citedel raid, the last part of Wrath of the Lich King, Saurfangs son was raised as an enemy. the Alliance forces defeated him and Saurfang turns up to claim his sons body. Its Varian that allows it. Lets him take his son to bury. Its a moment that Saurfang remembers and says he wont forget the kindness of it.

  6. Varian was raised to be Warrior and King and how to make those kinds of impossible choices, Anduin was allowed to be raised as a Priest to be a healer and to be different than his father

  7. At about the 3:01 mark, Philip talks about the shadowing on Saurfang's face, but I think it's also really interesting for another reason: Anduin has just asked why Saurfang why he spared his life, but the shadowing on Saurfang's face, with his eye sockets completely obscured, turns his visage skull-like, the face of a dead man. I think it was a really fascinating, intentional choice on the part of the cinematic crew to subtly underline where Saurfang is at emotionally here. He's as good as a dead man walking and if the choice was his, he would be a dead man lying. When Anduin speaks of life to him, he turns away at first, sinking into that place of death and despair and shame, but it plants the seed in his mind, and when Anduin pretends to give up as well ("I can't"), that stirs Saurfang to action. That makes him look up out of self-pity and find the source of light again. This is long winded now, but I just thought it was a really great effect. A cadaver's face for a man who wishes to be one, but who seems to find himself alive again and again.

  8. you are in for a ride, sir. this story arc is so good. you're maybe missing a little of the backstory. You likely know that Varok Saurfang lost his son at the battle of the Wrathgate, but the real tragedy of it is that he lost his son to the Lich King, who took his soul and raised him as a death knight. In a game play cut scene, you see Varok Saurfang confront his son's corrupted form and as he is taunted, says:

    "my boy died at the Wrathgate. I am here only to collect his body."

    "we named him Dranosh. It means Heart of Dranor in Orcish. I would not let the Warlocks take him. My boy would be safe, hidden away by the elders of Garadar. I made a promise to his mother before she died that I would cross the Dark Portal alone. Whether I lived or died, my son would be safe. Untainted. Today, I fulfill that promise."

  9. I'm so happy I stumbled onto your channel as War Within was announced. As a lifelong wow player and lore nerd, it's so exciting to see someone fascinated and enthralled by the game we've loved for over a decade. More than that, the level of details and methods the filmmakers use that you quickly pick up on and convey to your audience is both fun and insightful. Your knowledge of the craft and attitude toward the content always makes these such a fun watch, even on the videos you do where I'm not traditionally a fan of the IP

  10. Anduin calls upon the Light as a healer due to his purity and faith in people. This is his strength, and it's why his struggles in Shadowlands broke him so badly.

    Edit: I would also like to mention that much of Anduins courage facing these orcs and beings so much stronger than himself is because he always has. He was like 5 when a dragon placed herself within his keep, his father was just as forceful and strong as any orc, his entire life has been surrounded by powerful entities that could have accidentally killed him by sneezing, and he found a way to stand by them, shoulder to shoulder, and make himself just as useful and powerful through healing and diplomacy.

  11. Honestly BFA cinematics had been the most amazing to date, the game play Meh. I enjoyed it for a bit but wasn't the best IMO. I'm just super happy to see someone enjoying the artistic side of World of warcraft as much as I do. I truly am enjoying seeing your perspective and Opinions of this amazing Franchise. will you venture into "Shadowlands" territory at all ? some interesting in game cinematics from that expansion. Maybe look into the Night warrior stuff? (a side story about the burning of Teldrassil) and maybe the Jailer maw stuff? yes as a collective whole Shadowlands was so disjointed but, it does help a bit going into the Anduin and Sylvanas dynamic and why Anduin is in the state he is in going into" The War Within".

  12. Honor and loyalty are the two biggest virtues for orcs. Saurfang admitting to Anduin that he hoped Anduin would stop Sylvanas is Saurfang openly admitting he committed treason against his Warchief, a fate worse than death to an orc. Not only did he not get a warrior’s death AGAIN, he betrayed his warchief and lost his honor in the process.

  13. The combat of trust fills the air of the cell.
    Saurfang – too honorable warrior to kill a weaker enemy in a hand-to-hand combat.
    They both know who would win this fight, so the fight itself is not needed.
    Altho the horde general knows, feels there more into this meeting ….
    One of the bet cinematics, so short yet so emotionally full! Blizzard!

    @15:29 that's why i like Blizzards cinematics the "message" is always straight "do what has to be done NOT what is easy to do" – Blizzard games in a nutshell!


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