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World of Warcraft Shadowlands – Tyrande Vs Nathanos reaction! Subscribe for more and join my discord to chat with the community!
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What do you think of the Shadowlands Cinematics compared to other expansions? Subscribe here and Follow me on
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As many problems as Shadowlands had, the environment team never fails. I loved how Bastion was so heavenly with windswept, feathery trees and grass and swooshy, curved marble almost like the islands themselves were made out of solid clouds.
Genn Greymane and Sylvanas have one of the most contentious interactions in modern Warcraft. During the Worgen new player questline, you watch her kill his son Liam right in front of him, just because, and then she bombards the capitol and the surrounding lands with blight (after promising Garrosh she wouldn't use it), killing the innocents left in a hideous way.
Genn takes on the hunt for her in Legion as they both land in Stormheim on the Broken Isles, and destroys her base camp there as he chases her to where she has captured Eyir, the Titan Keeper who controls the Val'kyr, with the Soulcage, the lantern thing that Helya gave to her, in order for her to create new Val'kyr to keep her alive and to create new Forsaken. Genn fights her and smashes the Soulcage, ruining her and her people's chances for the future, and he calls that out specifically as vengeance for his son.
It's so great to see that level of storytelling, they may not be the biggest main characters in every tale, but that back and forth between them is always entertaining.
Nathanos Marris was the one and only Human "Ranger-Lord", trained by the High Elves of Quel'thalas (and specifically Ranger-General of Silvermoon Sylvanas Windrunner, who was rumored to be his lover but nothing was ever confirmed). He was killed when the Scourge decimated Lordaeron, and raised by Sylvanas' Val'kyr she took from Arthas when she broke the Forsaken away from the Scourge. He has served as her second-in-command ever since Varimathras' failed coup attempt during the events of the Wrathgate, and is now called the Blightcaller in recognition of his status.
In this cinematic he has retreated back to his ancestral home, the Marris Stead in Lordaeron, and is fighting off the forces of the Argent Crusade (an egalitarian organization of Scourge fighters that will take anyone, Horde or Alliance), when Tyrande shows up and ends him with prejudice.
Mt Hyjal( Hy – jal)
Nathanos is fighting the players as a psuedo raid-boss…when you get his health down to about 5%, Tyrande comes in and seals the deal.
Gonna request some kingdom hearts opening cinematic reactions lol
Visually, Shadowlands was amazing. Playing through it though…was suffering.
Ah, yes. Nathanos is happy to be sent right to his lady.
You didn’t pick up on the brief pause when the actor delivered the line: “She’s with him… of course.” There’s anger which segues easily into mockery.
No spoilers.
Thrall is happily married and has kids, Jaina is in an on and off relationship with the Blue Aspect Kalecgos (Kalec) Dragon and Archmage of Kirin Tor. I have NEVER understood why people think there is something between Jaina and Thrall, neither has ever shown the other more than friendship imo…
Tyrande has over 10,000 years of martial experience. Yes, she is that old. Nathanos is just a normal human (although being undead, he doesn’t age like the living does) so it’s obvious who will win in a duel. We’re not even talking about night warrior here, Tyrande wins just based on combat experience alone.
Don't know if it got fully explained on stream but here's a brief explanation of the different areas of the shadowlands.
When someone dies, they are basically sorted into a region. Those of noble and honorable life go to Bastion(the first area shown), Ardenweald(second), or Maldraxxus(third). If a soul is in need of penance or redemption , they are sent to Revendreth (4th shown) to serve time attoning, eventually being allowed to go to one of the previous three. Souls deemed unredeemable are sent to The Maw (the final area shown), basically hell.
There's much more to the story, but I don't want to risk spoilers, so that should be enough to start with.
Loving your videos. Keep them coming.
There are many "great trees" around the world that have gateways into the Emerald Dream. One is south of Stormwind, and another is far north near the Plaguelands.
Mount Hyjal has the original World Tree, which has healed from the events of Warcraft but it will never regain the full connection to Azeroth it once had.
Hi jall is how you say it.
Her weapons are a custom variant of Moonglaives. The traditional weapons of female Night Elf guards and warriors.
Jaina and Thrall have a really close relationship like a brother and sister. Jaina hasn't seemed to be close to anyone since Arthas fell, or at least hasn't had a close romance like that since.
Has he not seen the malfurion "WE ARE COMING" Trailer?
Congrats on getting Blizzard approval. Some streamers struggle with that. They take their PR very seriously after their court case with California state a while back.
It may be obvious being an MMORPG, but each race has its own starting area and little starting questlines that introduce you to the world and your race's place in it. There'd be a compilation video of all of them if you need help choosing a race, but it'd be a nice surprise if you avoid it too.
Oh, and I can't remember if the owl is her pet or if it's one of Malfurion's druid forms.
I think you may have missed a certain amount of BfA cinematics, a bit too bad otherwise you would have understood the meaning of the eclipse.
BfA Horde cinematics and Battle for Darkshore are ones you can’t miss
I really forgot about 4K Daddy Denathrius 🥵
Every time he went to take a drink I had to mute he’s loud ass swallow haha
The main issues the community has with shadowlands imho came from 2 main issues: 1st is the timing, we had a little bit of content diluted in 2/3 months, then we had like 4/5/6 months in which there was nothing new to do, then new patch comes out and the story is clearly cut, another 2/3 months with a little story and then another big gap. Second is the story that has some clear cuts that make all seem rushed and doesn't build the villain in the right way (plus you see some god-level "perfect" characters acting really stupidly for no reason). Mix these things and you have an angry community that will be hypercritical, so when a new patch comes you need to do some perfect work if you want to save your face, but the patches were all but perfect unfortunately.
Tyrande's voice actor doesnt get nearly enough credit. She's fucking incredible.
you should totally do a watchtrough of Starcraft, the old cinematics from sc1 then the recap of sc1 that they added to sc2 then the AMAZING trailers and in game cinematics!
I love your content! Thanks for all the insight! If you haven't yet (I didn't find it) you should react to overwatch's Kiriko cinematic!