First Look at New Legendary Powers for Mages in Patch 9.1 Shadowlands – I am Disappointed!

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Hey guys, today with the last of that content drips that I can muster 😀
Covering new Legendary Powers which are on PTR, this is still all a subject to change, numbers might be tweaked and bugs will be fixed.
The only uncertainty that I have is with Venthyr Legendary for Frost Mages and Necrolords Legendary overall, since it doesn’t work properly.
Biggest issue with Venthyr one is that it’s super hard to test it, but I will keep you posted if something changes/happens.
Have a nice day!

0:00 Introduction
0:25 Night Fae
1:40 Kyrian
3:20 Necrolords
6:27 Venthyr

#wow #mage #legendary


7 thoughts on “First Look at New Legendary Powers for Mages in Patch 9.1 Shadowlands – I am Disappointed!”

  1. All new legendaries seem really lacklustre -for every class. They lack flavour. They would be decent if they could be equipped along with another legendary from season 1 though -which isn't happening as far as we know.

  2. Every time I look at theses leggos, I have the feeling that they were designed to be used in conjunction with the regular leggos
    Edit: maybe it could be done if there were more than one leggo per covenant, so we would have a choice.


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