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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
This gayme mode is why they haven't balanced retail. This gayme mode is absolute garbage tier and may be even more unbalanced than retail. Hurr look at me i hit level 4 and have rank 3 fire whirl hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Was this really worth all that secret and no ptr thing though? and this a limited time only event right?
Its BOOMER royal

need to make the combat more like wow i like the concept tho
So many negative comments! Jeeze! Its a new FREE, simple game mode! YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY IT. I think it is cool that blizzard is taking risks and trying new things like this and sod, not hyping them up tons, THEN letting you down… there was no marketing for thisn so don't act like you've had big expectations for this for months or something then let down. Enjoy it for what it is. Maybe they will improve on it!
Why do they still use the talking head thing? Like are they not ashamed of themselves for using something so poorly animated in this day and age? That was poorly made even for when it came out.
They're just trying to compete with other battleroyals, and they're using the "fresh start, no addons" that we've been asking for in WoW. They think we're stupid. We're not gonna be satisfied by this. Fix pvp.
This mod reminds me of the game Spellbreak.
AND NOOOOWW All Bloggers will be singing same song! About PERFECT best quest with dwarf =)))))))))))))))))) Scum community =))))
i take it back this mode is actually sick
got my first solo win finally
Its good start of somthing new .

Played it for 8 hours straight after work. Can honestly say, it is not balanced, not fun with how RNG it is, especially considering you need Fire Swirl to win. I feel the general sentiment is that, we would have taken literally any other content.
So many things wrong whit this game, and the spend time on shit like this……
I can see this being the first taste/version of wow that goes to console and on gamepass
Could have been good but seems really rushed and not thought out
I really hope this wont replace class gameplay pvp…
This looks more like a gimmick then fun , I don’t know , blizzard doesn’t have it anymore
what a lousy game
another flop imo
Dead within week
"The future."
A lame fortnite ripoff that looks like it's from ps2? That's "the future?" Then I'll just keep logging into the game mode of the game I paid for and log in to. WoW. Ya know, the game they tied this to as wow content but switched on us on patch day.
more like Blunderstorm, oof. Not going to participate at all.
Would be cool If they added specific spells for each map and also some more actualy mele abilitys
Bro more cc whom ever at blizz that keeps adding cc needs to be fired. Stupidest mechanic in the game.
Terrible. Never ever I'll touch that sh***
More crap from carriedrucky
lol "into a one shot" doesnt make any sense, if you have to do multiple things, anything you do afterwards is not a one shot, its a combo kill. a one shot means you go up to an enemy press one button, and they insta die.
Yeah, I've grown tired of being stomped by someone being a level or two higher than me. Like if it was a bit of an advantage okay, but it's basically "if they're higher level, run or just die as they have gap closer ability" because the power disparity are huuuuge. Plus some powers are gamebreaking – the fire swirl is a win button and there's also a night fae spirit form ability that seems like an endless reset button
its a 10/10 highly recommend. Loving it. Can't stop playing.
Even more unbalanced then the pvp now. GJ
This looks so shit
2minutes and meh
Is it me or do all these streamers seem a little overly hyped about plunderstorm?
Not a shot at you Ven, I watch all your videos even though I haven’t played retail since 10.7.