First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.13 An Inability to Find Oats!

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In this episode of my first playthrough of World of Warcraft Classic, I take on the major quests of hunting down and collecting … oats.

Join me on my journey into World of Warcraft Classic playthrough! After many recommendations, I’ve decided to dive into this iconic MMORPG. As a newcomer, I’m open to any hints and tips you have to offer.

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a beloved MMORPG released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment, set in the Warcraft universe. It’s been four years since the events of the previous game, and Azeroth awaits exploration!

WoW Classic Playlist:

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14 thoughts on “First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.13 An Inability to Find Oats!”

  1. Wand is counted as a “weapon” so it’s a weapon skill just using it will lvl it up don’t have to train anything 👍 to check the skill I believe open the character tab (like your gear tab) and at the bottom should be a tab that is labeled “skills”….also the skill doesn’t make it stronger just allows you to land hits more consistently

  2. A great session! I assume what people mean about your wand getting "more powerful" the more you use it is just about your characters wand skill. The weapon stats won't change, but your accuracy and potential damage do increase. Always keep up with your weapon skills as you level up!

    I got a good chuckle out of you pulling half the farm by accident and then panicking 🤭 see you in the next one!

  3. Love the vids – especially the intros. Couple of quick things. Don't buy food. You're clogging up your bags with cheese, milk, etc. You're a mage. You make your own food and drink as you go. One stack of each is plenty. What's with all of the balls of string? Are you a tailor? Even if so, store them in your bank. Your bank starts you with 20+ available slots. They are gray. The silver/gold costs you saw were if you wanted more. You can then purchase slots and put a bag in the slot to give you more storage space. Keep everything you don't need at hand in there. Especially linen cloth and soon wool cloth. Whether you use them or not, they often sell at the Auction House.

    If you don't have them yet, I'd consider at least picking up both tailoring and first aid professions. Tailoring trainer is in the Mage Quarter and first aid is in the main building at Cathedral Square – both in Stormwind. You'll be able to make your own gear as well as healing yourself while in combat. And you get plenty of cloth as you grind. Cooking is another solid one as you can make buffed food – usually with a stamina and spirit increase when eaten. When in a dungeon, I bring a stack of regular food (or conjured), a stack of buffed food and two stack of drink (stack meaning 20). That's more than enough in a typical 5-person run.

    In one of your recent vids, you couldn't mount or eat because it said you're in combat even though no mobs were attacking you. Most likely your Nova hit a critter. They won't attack, but any type of AOE damage they get caught up in puts you in combat until you either kill it or get enough distance from it. You can tell if you're in combat by looking at your character portrait. It will show your current level. When in combat, the level will be replaced with crossed swords. If you're running from something, once those swords disappear, you're no longer in combat and free to do whatever you choose. A good example of AOE to a critter is watching vids of hardcore groups wiping in Dire Maul because a cockroach was accidentally pulled into it.

    Always remember you have polymorph. Crowd control becomes very important as you level. It can easily turn a 3 v 1 fight into a 2 v 1 – at least temporarily.

    Lastly, it appears you're considering Deadmines as your first dungeon run. 18 is a good starting point for it. Know the need/greed system. When an item drop is rolled for, anything you can actually use, you "need" it. Such as an upgraded staff or wand, or a cloth piece of armor. If it's something you can't actually use, but could sell, you "greed" it. Such as a 2H axe, leather or mail armor pieces, etc. You'll be in a pug group most likely, and some players get very temperamental over players "needing" and possibly winning items they cannot use. I'd also suggest doing "The Defias Brootherhood" quest chain. It's mostly traveling, but it's free XP and offers a solid staff as a reward. It's started by Gryan Stoutmantle , who's located at the tower at Sentinal Hill in Westfall. It ends with you needing to kill Van Cleef – the final boss in Deadmines.

    As said, I really enjoy your videos and hope you are having fun playing the game.

  4. Blindly running in to grab the bag of oats and attracting a house full of pillagers made me laugh so loud I startled my cat lol.

    Remember to watch the chat. It's more than just players talking. It gives you important information, like when your weapons level up. You can see that your proficiency in wands is going up as you use it. But it doesn't make you stronger, it just makes it less likely for you to miss. Which is still important.

    Also, don't forget to check your talent tree. You can get significant power increases in there.

    If a Mage Trainer has a quest for you, you should always take that quest. It's going to be your Class Quest, which rewards you with one of your core abilities or a very good piece of gear. Some classes can't even play the game properly without doing them (I went a good while without doing some of my Shaman quests back and the day, and that was a massive headache.)

    Great video, Marc! Getting pretty close to doing that dungeon. Have fun!

  5. At around 21:45 you left the mage trainer but didn't pick up the quest he had. Usually when trainer gives quests i'ts often some class-speficic stuff, which you nearly always should get, not to miss anything important on character progress. And overall too, as even you spoke about earlier tips aloud, it's good habbit to pick quests you see, as long as they are on some level range of your things. To avoid running back and forth, and not maybe missing some rewards. 🙂

  6. OK, this has nothing to do with gameplay. But just to have fun type in:
    /silly Do this several times it will tell you different jokes, Or. /train Or /dance 😂
    Now on some gameplay, if you look at your mini map, map in top right corner the little gold dots or swords are where you can find your quest items or things to kill for your quest.

    As a mage, you want intellect on your gear for:
    Increases mana points and chance to score a critical hit with spells. Increases the rate at which weapon skills improve.
    Stamina: Increases health points
    And spirit for: Increases health and mana regeneration rates

    Again, my wife and I are enjoying your videos. Keep them up. 😊

  7. Don't forget your polymorph, one of the best get out of jail free cards for a mage. It's also good to practice as in dungeons you may be asked to sheep an enemy before a fight.

  8. Make sure you drag your new ranks of spells on your action bars! You might be using a weak version. Also try spam pressing fireball or frostbolt so you cast them faster. As soon as the cast bar is done you can cast a new one


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