First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.7 Wizard's Sanctum

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In this episode of my first playthrough of World of Warcraft Classic, I make the decision to head into Stormwind and go see Jennea Cannon in the Wizard’s Sanctum.

Join me on my journey into World of Warcraft Classic playthrough! After many recommendations, I’ve decided to dive into this iconic MMORPG. As a newcomer, I’m open to any hints and tips you have to offer.

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a beloved MMORPG released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment, set in the Warcraft universe. It’s been four years since the events of the previous game, and Azeroth awaits exploration!

Drop by anytime for a natter, I’m usually floating around.

#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #newplayer #firstimeplayingworldofwarcraftclassic


13 thoughts on “First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Ep.7 Wizard's Sanctum”

  1. The “other wizard” was a warlock where as you are a mage. Warlocks use shadow magic and have demon pets Mages use fire frost and arcane based spells unfortunately in classic mage does not get a pet to help in combat

  2. The circus is called the dark moon fair and it appears every month for a few days with 2 different spawn points if I recall correctly. There is some reputation rewards and you can collect "tickets" to spend on some gear and miscs

  3. First, sorry for big text spam 🙂

    Enemies detection radius depends on the level difference. If they are higher than you, they will agro on much longer range. And on low level mobs you can walk pretty close without agroing.

    When you group up with someone, it's polite to buff them, as mage you can give the Arcane Intellect buff on others. That's good for any class who uses mana (mages, warlocks, priests, druids, hunters, paladins). Of course you can buff then randomly in open world too sometimes even if not grouping 🙂

    When you click potions (or use other items), they can't be activated during your active casts (you were casting some fireball or something).

    When you open the map, for example there in the city in mage tower, you can right-click on map to zoom on further level, no need to run outside the city to see it.

    The Frost Nova spell is mainly used for crowd control, don't think it as your main damage spell. Use it wisely when you want to freeze mobs. It's very good control, and useful to have it available on emergency situations.

    Around 30 minute mark on the video, did you notice the special enemy there? It has silver dragon art around his target portrait. That means it's a rare mob, usually dropping something special. If the dragon art is golden, it mean's the mob is elite, being much harder than normal mob on its level. Sometimes rares can also be hard as elites. Also the mob around 35 minutes mark was rare.

    And when you are looking if you need to use some item for quests, like that water sample, your quest tracker on the right side shows the icon for the quest item you need to use there.

    And in the end you can see small image on right new the quests, where it shows some of your armor being near getting broken (marked yellow, on your pants). Your gear will take damage when fighting, especially if you die. You have to visit vendor who can repair your gear. Not all vendors can do it, but npcs like weapon wendors, blacksmiths etc. It's good habit to repair your gear always when you visit repair guy.

    The orb you took from quest reward is an off-hand item. As a mage, you want to use either 2 hand weapon (like staff), or one-hand (wand, dagger) + off-hand. So you need some 1h-weapon with that orb. And it's pretty bad, actually onetime use every 30 mins, only once. So with the orb, you would need to find some 1-hander too. Usually staffs are more handy during leveling, as you need to upgrade only one weapon.

    Sorry for this much tips 😀 Just typed something during watching the video. Just tell if this all is too much. But happy learning and playing, enjoy!

  4. Something weird happened while I was commenting and everything I typed out vanished… so sorry about that. I can't remember everything that I originally said but I'll try to touch on a few things.

    The other person you were looking at and wondering how to get their abilities was a warlock, not a mage like you. Each class has different abilities and flavor. Warlocks summon a variety of demons to do a combination of damage and tanking. The closest thing a mage like you can get is a water elemental, though I'm not sure when you can get it.

    The major difference between raids and dungeons is that raids are much bigger. In classic raids typically call for 20 or 40 players, and dungeons only need 5. Dungeons are also spread out across your entire leveling journey, whereas raids are for when you hit the max level.

    The linen cloth you've been picking up is useful for your Tailoring profession! If you need more, it drops off of humanoid enemies like the Defias bandits you've been fighting.

  5. The delay you were talking about earlier in the video is called the global cool down (GCD). In classic most abilities are on the GCD, however in retail many abilities are off the GCD, making combat faster.

  6. Actually, you can get a critter! There's pets in WoW, however there are 2 types of pets. The pets that help you in combat (hunter pets, that you can tame if you're a hunter; or warlock demon pets, that you can learn to summon if you're a warlock) and then there are just pets. They are quite small, but you can get them and they're cute and just follow you around. I believe you can get a chicken for literally free once you're in westfall, it's a bit of an easter egg. Some you can buy, if I'm not mistaken.

  7. Haha, you are hillarious to watch and I love your enthusiasm towards discovering new things.

    But I have sad news. You can't do sommersault 😢. Each race has slightly different jumping animations. only Night Elves has sommersault as their jumping animation.

    I have a small tip. Don't try to take on multiple enemies. In Classic you will get overwhelmed quite easily. 1 is fine, 2 enemies are managable. 3 are entering very dicey situation. In zones with NPCs spawning close to each other like Westfall, its bad idea to take on 3 enemies.
    So sometimes its better to slowly pull and kill 1 by 1.

  8. It has been a really nice experience for me personally to watch ur playthrough so far. I can never enjoy the game the same way you do anymore after playing for 15+ years.

    Remember ur first episode when you ran out of the starter area while looking for the kobolds. I did the exact samething when i was new and died to a wolf out there, thought my character was dead forever so i made a new one haha.

  9. Cooper ore, malachite and Tiger eye, sell on the auction house. Keep your cloth you’ll need it for tailoring to go the tailoring trainer. and get some thread to craft items for your profession of tailoring you can sell those or put them on auction house.

    When it comes to some of the red quest, you can do them if they are just going to talk to somebody if there’s killing involved wait until they are yellow or green ( red quest give you more XP then yellow, yellow gives you more XP than green.)


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