First Time Playing World of Warcraft – Weste's Journey to 60

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Welcome to my channel! In this video, I explore the mystical world of World of Warcraft and take on epic quests.

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World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the high-fantasy world of Azeroth. Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, WoW has captivated millions of players worldwide since its launch in 2004. In this expansive virtual universe, players create their own characters, choosing from a variety of races and classes, each with unique abilities and traits.

00:00 Intro
00:26 Enjoy


Video Game Soldiers by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


CC BY 4.0 Deed | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative Commons

Arcadia – Wonders by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


CC BY 4.0 Deed | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative Commons

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3 thoughts on “First Time Playing World of Warcraft – Weste's Journey to 60”

  1. As a longtime player and longtime soloist of MMOs and WoW, I have tips for you. Also to answer your question: there is a "main story" but also not really in classic. The main story for Alliance takes place in the Eastern Kingdoms, which is across the ocean from the Night Elf area. You will have to take a boat there from Dark Shore, which is the next zone. But if you're in classic you land in Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands and will have to walk through a level 20+ zone. You'll have to walk all the way from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge the Dwarf city which is in the zone called Dun Morogh south of Wetlands (it's kind of a long walk,) then you can take the underground trail to Stormwind, the human city and Alliance capital. If you're in Wrath of the Litch King Classic, the boat takes you straight to Stormwind. The main starting story for the Alliance are quests involving a group called the Defias brotherhood, I won't say more due to spoilers. Main story quests are scattered among all other quests, it's not very linear like other RPGs. Each zone has it's own main story as well. You don't have to the "main story," you can stay in the Night Elf area and just play their stories.

    Some soloing tips is to grind more mobs than you need for each quest, there will be times when quests won't get you to level so that extra xp padding is good. Doing quests when they are easier (green text in the quest tracker,) and fighting green mobs with green names is more efficient. It means they are lower level but you take less damage and can kill faster which is more xp over time due to less downtime and deaths. Have food in your bag and eat after fights when you are low health. There are also foods that give you stat boosts, you often get these from quests but can also learn cooking if you want. For warrior it's also good to take up the First Aid profession and make bandages out of cloth drops. Try to get mail gear (chain mail) whenever possible, that's the best gear for warrior class. Save your money for your skills as much as possible, they get expensive. Classic leveling, especially solo, is about strategy and learning when to do quests, remember caves are dangerous if the mobs are close to your level, and not get discouraged. For me, I go around picking up the low level quests for all the starting areas but for Alliance I usually start as Dwarf, Gnome, or Human because they all share a common area, Night Elves have the disadvantage of their starting area being isolated.


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