FIX MAGES!! – World of Warcraft Classic Rant

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World of Warcraft has a major problem.. mages!


21 thoughts on “FIX MAGES!! – World of Warcraft Classic Rant”

  1. Nerf warlocks! make their dots do 50% less damage, make fear break when any damage is done and have a 2 min DR, make them have to pay full price for mount, make summons cost 10 shards per player summoned and put it on a 30 minute CD.

  2. 3:18 uhhh yes exactly.
    Have you ever tried it? Soloing dungeons in big AoE pulls as a Mage is one of the funnest things to do in classic wow.
    I don't usually main Mage but I always have a Mage ult. It's also nice because you can portal your other characters around by putting them in the same group and making a portal next to where your other character is logged out and then swap over and take it lol.
    Everyone should have a Mage alt.

  3. Complains about mages ruining the game because people don't have to grind, hypes the new PvP sentence in the next sentence because he loves that you don't have to grind. Ouff

  4. Yeah im a huge retail pvp player and i would not be playing classic or pve if it wasnt for hardcore – you kinda get the same rush. PVE feels meaningless outside of it.

  5. Enjoyable rant. As a player who is new to WoW (started playing when unofficial HC came out) and a mage player, I can understand the frustration with many players of the class. Personally I enjoy the aspect of being able to find someone who needs quest mobs in the area and grouping up, to help them get their kills or drops faster. But there are a whole lot of entitled mages out there, that feel like they deserve the mobs and can lay claim to entire zones just because they have AoE abilities. I think that may contribute to why I only played WoW once there was a Hardcore mode, because all the trashcan players just die and I don't have to worry about dealing with them ever again (unless I'm visiting Elwynn Forest). On Softcore I'm sure players (not just mages) are just genuinely unbearable.

  6. What kinda rant is this? When you sign up to play classic you know what you're getting into, mages are the orij hero class until endgame where warriors zug charts all through naxx while most hybrids kick cans and people keep comin back to play that version. That's how classic always has been and always will be, if peeps want a rebalanced version of the game go hop on the SoD train. And if the services tab is really livin rent free in your dome that much there's this handy trick called leaving a channel.


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