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Frost Death Knight arena gameplay of Shadowlands Beta. Both 2v2 and 3v3 action. Landing those big 2H Crits.
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I'm ready to put on the hurt. DK's have had it bad for plenty of expansions, I have hope that we will be back in our Legion state. Looking forward to the pain train.
is it normal to switch weapon in fight? i thought you have to choose which you want to play 2h or dw?
Man obi is op with the r2 km it's getting nerfed
what build were you running? legendary? conduits?
You know it’s a good God damn day when my boi Hazzed posts!
Ohhhh Ps Hero, I actually thought you were saying Bajeerah for a sec the way you were pronouncing Pasheero lol. But yea either way im ready for oct 13th and that pre-patch, im so ready to be 2h again. It sucks that weapon swapping is still a thing so I guess at this point its safe to assume its not going anywhere.
Hazzed is so Alpha in the Beta Kreygasm
Thus dual weild swap bullshit is not fixed yet?! Cant wait for blizz to fix it! It is so stupid mechanic!
What is your xp in pvp?
Let me help:
"fancy abilities i dont know the name of" made me chuckle
Is frost DK good for a beginner trying out arenas and battlegrounds?
frost dk seems a little squishy
How’s frost dk burst and damage compared to rets atm on beta? I know rets are kind of insane atm.
Fk man I want my damn 2h too I HAVE ALSO BEEN LOYAL TO FROST IN AoE cleave cries Not sure but its gonna be either venthyr or necro for me hopefully if they do not absolutely destroy them.. Love the vids man keep it up!! 🙂
real pshero?
It was a satisfying thing to watch Pshero getting obliterated
Does 2hand work on its own in pvp or is it ”mandatory” to have a DW set for stacking razorice?
Thanks for explaining what you are doing. As a new player looking to play DK, it was very helpful. Watching other streamers just pvping without saying anything is really hard to understand
One of the only good Frost DK PvP posters out there. Love you dude.
Dude you are hilarious
I enjoy your pvp videos, cant get bored of them, keep it going bro
"They are surviverlers" – Hazzed 2020
On the second arena, why did you changed from 1H to 2H weapons ?
I'm ignorant to the ways of modern wow. It just looks like constant button mashing. Are super macros a thing?
Anyone else not too fond of the weapon switching? It seems a little too complicated to think about in the midst of a stressful battle yeah?
I dont even play the game but I love your videos <3
you're a content creator and don't know who P S HERO is? He is pretty good……LMAO
Could someone please explain to me what this dualwield/2handed switch does? Why you do that?
Just wait till I get the mechagnome death knight out there it’ll be great
So is weapon swap gone now with the debuff?
The way you move your camera man, wtf… apart from that, I'm happy to see frost is doing well.
how did you switch between 2 handed and 1 handed weapons out of no where ???
what the hell with those teleports that monk had?! hahahahahaha
How can he put dual welding weapons on his back ?