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Hey Guys, here is my Frost Death Knight PVP guide for Shadowlands Season 3 patch 9.2. In the guide I cover talents, PVP talents, stats, runeforges, trinkets, legendaries, conduits and damage/burst rotation. The unholy guide will be coming soon!
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#WorldofWarcraft #MMORPG #Gaming #pvp #9.2 #Deathknight
If you have any questions feel free to ask here and please like the video! 🙂
Nice Video! ✌
Nice, unholy coming also?
just get a tooth pulled or something?
Could you please explain your macros? Thanks, love the vids <3
DK looking to be a bit more meta this season? And you think frost or unholy will be the go too for 2s?
Good content again!
The trinkets and Tier sets added this season kinda feel good n bad at the same time tho, on the good side is the mix up to fresh plays but on the bad is the balancing issue. Like you said the grenade is kinda broken right now and the T set boni (if one is lucky enough to get it) plays right into it, I wonder how long it will take for em to figure things out.
Let's gooooo. I am not playing this patch but excited to see how frost dk will perform. The buffs to abomination limb with double leggo and tier sets sounds like it will be super fun
What race are you playing ??
Nice video mate! thanks
do one for unholy plz
Quality as always 👌🏻
Frost FTW
I currently feel like I have no pressure as unholy . So time to go frost!
What’s your favorite 2’s partners? Mist?
The resonator has since been nerfed. So you probably won’t be using it much now. There is an instant damage trinket from the raid that is op. If it doesn’t get nerfed try it.
What's your PC spc and set up
Thanks for the content. I've been playing unholy since I've come back and I'm having a blast. I really appreciate what you're doing it's been helping me a lot. can't wait for the unholy guide keep up the good work.
Resonator was kinda psuedo op anyways since a lot of the time if you could get a kill with resonator you could get a kill with badge pillar?
90% of games were teams trying to cheese with resonator and not playing the game 'properly'
Off topic but interesting changes to unholy 4 set with 50% dmg to minions but again, if soul reaper procs theres a chance they die anyways, an execute you can't control will never be truly broken in PvP but the flat 10% dmg buff is pretty nice, do you think unholy meta will change much partywaffles?
Thanks for the guide
im having fun with 9.2 frost dk the new pvp trinkets are nice i use them in bgs i have a nice little macro.after i frostworm fury and freeze them they are targeted of course and i pop this mite not be the best for arena but Chill Streak and Cosmic Gladiator's Resonator at the same time dolots of damage.
/cast [@cursor] Chill Streak
/cast [@cursor] Cosmic Gladiator's Resonator
Ty for the guide ma dude! One question. Since we will use RW conduit, we will have full time DRs yes? Isn't that bad? I mean you will have your team also stunning etc. Can you explain this to me pls? Ty again 🙂
Unholy one coming? Teir set was just buffed