Frost Mage Buffed Is it enough? Shadowlands Mage Hotfixes

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17 thoughts on “Frost Mage Buffed Is it enough? Shadowlands Mage Hotfixes”

  1. I already switched to fire and it is alot more enjoyable for me , they would have to make frost more mobile for me to ever switch back , like make the frostbolt castable while moving , or lower the cast time

  2. Haven't touched my mage since the start of the expansion because of the lean towards the other specs while wanting to play frost. Finally will start leveling him up and playing now that the numbers are a bit better. Not looking to top the charts always, just looking to be viable in most situations. Thanks for the video look forward to hearing more and testing it out myself

  3. I hate the fact that we got to crunch all these numbers. SIM all the stats. Just to see if I am good enough to be in a raid. Then I got to make sure I'm using all the add ons they tell me to. Just so i become the perfect dps machine. How is this fun anymore?

  4. Unfortunately I don’t see frost being viable even with this buff. The issues that frost has is not in a lack of overall dps but rather how their kit works. It’s very reliant on long CDs and RNG procs, all while being very immobile. AOE dps can be potent, however it requires the use of a legendary that adds almost no value to single target dps, takes a while to set up, and has a limited range.
    Until Blizz fixes some of the core issues with the frost mage kit I think they are going to keep struggling in M+ and raid settings.


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