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Frost Mage Shadowlands Guide for 9.0 Mythic+, based off the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Beta. Depending on how final tuning changes go, a revised Frost Mage guide might be released after Shadowlands launches.
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0:00 Introduction
1:20 Strengths and Weaknesses
2:33 Stats and Consumables
4:28 Talents
6:40 Legendaries
7:42 Trinkets
9:45 Frost Mage Fundamentals
11:31 Conduits
13:42 Covenants
16:23 Rotations
18:04 Useful Macros
#Showtooltip Icy Veins
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Frozen Orb
/cast Berserking
#Showtooltip Blizzard
/cast [@cursor] Blizzard
#frostmage #shadowlands #guide
@Quazzi definitely becoming one of my new favorite channels for guides/ wow content.
Yh unexpected but helpful. Fingers crossed for havoc:). And yh i recently subscribed to the channel so i check all videos.
WIll you do guides for healers as well? XD
Your channel just keeps getting better!
As a tank main, you've been a life saver. Now as I start to look at what class I may use to dps, you've come out with the perfect guide!
holy moly!! i don't even main tank but watch all your vids and now you make a guide for my main! hell ya!! great monday
As always a great guide, love your Weakauras and hope that maybe one for Warlock is coming!
Thats my alt class/spec, ty Quazii 🙂
@quazii What is the addon that uses icons to inform u what to avoid (like dbm)
Good stuff. Thanks!
wow. THX for guide
should mirror images be saved to be used with icy veins? and is it ever worth using fireblast/arcane explosion
Enjoy being a good DPS for a bit Frost Mage. You will soon be thrown under Fire, BM Hunter, and every Lock spec. Then with WoWs favourite class, Rogue, right at the top, you can cry frozen tears all the way to Character Creation screen.
Hey Quazii
I like your concept of DPS Guides. They are very clean, informative, well structured and, ultimately, most importantly they are fun!
I also think it's very important and right that you initially mentioned the date on which the guide is current.
Another successful concept – I'm looking forward to more!
Over and out! 🙂
Very nice! Thanks for the helpful vid 🙂
Twentyy twentyy
Very nice video👍
thanks for a very thorough guide! I downloaded your UI and subbed, keep the mage videos coming
perfect!!!! TY
Absolutely love this content! Brilliant! Also the UI… /Drool.
Very helpful, well done. Clear and concise
You don't really want to open with the Kyrian ability in my testing on Beta, you want to have Brain Freeze for a Radiant Spark -> Flurry + Lance + Lance to get the full benefit of the 10% 20%, 30% and 40% damage buffs.
Yo, awesome content my dude ! That was super good !!!
Great video! Super easy to follow and the Pace is very good!
I have one question. Whats the reason of Fire blast? Do you even use it?
Nice video! What the best race for mage in shadow? Thanks !
Subbed awesome vid
So if you spec into rune, do you cast rune for your opener considering icy veins procs a rune anyway? ty in advance
Very, Very good content! Highly recommended.
fantastic breakdown
Hey man your WA setup is really clean, could i use them please? Love the vids, new subscriber here!
With the recent nerfs to ice lance, would anything really change here?
Will a freezing rain playstyle be viable in mythic plus with the recent buffs to it and nerfs to splitting ice
Is it a DPS gain/loss to cancel a Frost Bolt to use a Fingers of Frost proc if you have 2 up mid cast?
Great guide, thank you.