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Comparison between Death Knight specs for the first season of Shadowlands PvP with a focus on battleground viability. Hopefully helps you understand why so many high ranked death knights are playing a certain spec and how past niches are blurred this season.
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How important is losing necrotic strike by switching to frost? Thanks for the video!
Cheers for the vid man, very informative! A frost guide would be sick!
how does superstrain work with "ebon fever"? does it make all 3 dots tick faster or just virulent?
Great vid keep spreading the knowledge appreciate the stuff like kicking Fleshcraft doesn't punish you as bad so its much worth doing!
Do u think UH will get changed or buffed to compete with frost
Is that Elsa and Anna in the background? I see you are a man of class, buddy.
nice man 😀 Do you think frost dk can burst quicker? Since unholy has like a 8 seks preparation time before doing real burst it feels super clunky in nowadays meta (boomkin, retri, hunter onehsots).
Sorry but frost need a important buff , he isnt good in m+ and in ride is the worste dps in single target , UH has a base damage of his ghoul (incredible) and the horde of ghouls are 70k damage free , so how frost can like a uh ? Its a shame , or they reduced countdown for pillar of frost at 45 s to use obliterazion or frost cant make single target