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In This World of warcraft shadowlands 9.2 video we are looking into the optional crafting reagent åure-air sail extension.
It can be added to crafted shadowlands gear and gives you +speed and mount speed increased by 10% which also stacks!
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Nice book we will go with the speed of light!
First Pog!<3
one of the first! Pog
And that’s why I don’t play retail. Horrible decisions made on gameplay constantly. That’s not fun, that’s pathetic.
Phuck bots
Got the recipe on my engineer, will have to check into this.
Only Lost ark
nice mount studen
Bought the gold guide yesterday , so far very awesome n helpful ….Ty for putting this out there …… whoop whoop 🙂
Going full zoomies without a mount is super fun and should be a possible craft for any expansion really.
Especially if you RP kitty.
I was freaking ritch in legion just for 1 of your advise bro, you are great Studen.
i really need to get a speed set max level but the unique equip on the piece you showed always trips me up. thanks for the information and have a great day
Does this speed zen flight? You can mine without dismounting, that could be pretty amazing.
Studen, may I ask for a good add on where I can put the minimap at the center. I am always gathering. Thank you 😀
But studen? It's unique equip to 1 crafted item?
i'll have to get my alts a speed set at some point, take my farming to another level.
But you can't get a full 262 set of this with the unique equipped. How does this work?
I was finally able to buy your book. It's on point. It took me years to figure out on my own half the stuff that's in the book. was able to compare some farms I was doing to the ones that are in the book and realized that I have wasted so much time and effort on bad farms 😀 Excellent resource, well done! Has everything in it to get to millions of gold in most efficient way possible. Haven't found where to leave feedback in regards to the book so I'll just leave it here. Thank you for the book!
Fat guess is they will make the mount speed ground only, or just not affect flying. Elsewise would be a complete shitshow in warmode. I can just imagine someone getting assasins debuff then eveyone in a two hundred mile radius would just swoops down and makes pancake of them.