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All these 11.0 Fury Warrior changes caused me to pick up the spec again and see what all the fuss is about and, make no mistake, war within fury warrior is still smashing hard, at least in AoE because the single target damage is still a little lackluster.

Now this is not a war within fury warrior guide but rather an overview on how the spec is performing after the nerfs and by the looks of it and pure single target aside, war within fury warrior m+ is amazing!

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37 thoughts on “Fury Warrior CANNOT BE NERFED!”

  1. This video is basically – "LUL Fury is great what you mean — At the .1%" You didn't address the average playerbase in any way lol. Yeah i love Fury I'll never drop my warrior bonk brain, but going into a Mythic key and getting outdone in AoE and Single Target by a frost DK that's like 10ilevel lower is stupid af im sorry lol.

  2. For the first time in a long long while we have raid fights that suit fury warriors niche DPS profile. What do they do? Nerf it to hell while not doing an effort to address the very lacking single target DPS. Meanwhile frost Dk pumps out as much if not more aoe and has one of the best single targets in the game., while having amazing group utility, same for ret Pala and enh shaman.. So what's the point of getting a fury warrior in a group?

  3. Fury warriors have to be one of the whiniest group in this game. They deserved some massive nerfs after the first 2 weeks. If the second big nerf was neccessary is up to debate but the first round of nerfs were definetly needed. Also whining about DKs when they are middle to bottom of the pack in raiding and performing good in M+ is just pathetic. Come on Fury warriors… do better.

  4. Fury had to fall on the sword so DKs could rise. Bless your heart to anyone still playing fury after 2 nerfs before M+ dropped with more on the way, already lacking any real utility and very weak defensives.

  5. What kills me most at the moment about fury in design is that our spender feels to weak so we overcap rage which does not fit the fury fantasy, another part of the warrior fantasy is having execute be exciting to press or get a high priority in the last bit of the fight but currently it is a button to avoid until you need to press it.

  6. You can understand how shit of a ST damage fury has when execute with 3 stacks still hit like a wet noodle. For raids, just wait your burst for adds to spam and catch others or go beyond in dps. Then? Then struggle again.


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