Fury Warriors Right Now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming

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Fury Warriors Right Now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming


26 thoughts on “Fury Warriors Right Now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming”

  1. What boggles my mind after 20 years playing wow is they still do this crap over and over and over. Needing to buff a spec by this much shows how little they test these things. I mean we have throwing websites that can get you pretty close to optimum and yet blizzard can't be bothered. If it was 5% or the occasional flub pf 10%, ok. But needing to buff these 15,20,30+% is just stupid

  2. I dont know what it is with blizzard this season but they keep making pve class changes and limplementing them in pvp as well….as a result i dont know about pve but in pvp the game hasnt been less balanced recently


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