What boggles my mind after 20 years playing wow is they still do this crap over and over and over. Needing to buff a spec by this much shows how little they test these things. I mean we have throwing websites that can get you pretty close to optimum and yet blizzard can't be bothered. If it was 5% or the occasional flub pf 10%, ok. But needing to buff these 15,20,30+% is just stupid
Its crazy cause in my guild our fury warriors are usually near the top if not top on sone fights, we are only 5/8 mythic so we arent crazy good but idk if they really needed this buff
I dont know what it is with blizzard this season but they keep making pve class changes and limplementing them in pvp as well….as a result i dont know about pve but in pvp the game hasnt been less balanced recently
They also nerfed fury self heals so congratulations
Oh yes ๐
Bloodbath really needed the buff, recast raging blow was outdamaging it. It felt so shit to use
IDC Bout those buffs. I'll renew my subscription when they revert the AoE soft cap to 5.
Developers are on crack
the 2 button class needs no buff
yeah cause we really needed it hahaha!! im loving the fact that my 2 mains are in the top 3 classes!
Bout damn time, been nerfing us to the ground all expac, this consistent damage buff is what should have accompanied those nerfs the whole time
Where is this? Show link to either ptr or patch notes please
Be careful, everyone will protest you do to much dmg and then you'll get nerfed….
Brelock shaitana๐
Back to pressing 3 buttons thats including 1 active trinket
What boggles my mind after 20 years playing wow is they still do this crap over and over and over. Needing to buff a spec by this much shows how little they test these things. I mean we have throwing websites that can get you pretty close to optimum and yet blizzard can't be bothered. If it was 5% or the occasional flub pf 10%, ok. But needing to buff these 15,20,30+% is just stupid
Any DH buffs ?? Wtf
Is this for prot warriors???
Arms need love too…๐ข
Go for it Pilav ๐
Meanwhile guttin my frost dk ass
Warriors are bursty… and tanky.. thats just how it is.. sustained dps is trash
Its crazy cause in my guild our fury warriors are usually near the top if not top on sone fights, we are only 5/8 mythic so we arent crazy good but idk if they really needed this buff
Over saturated edge lord class anyways
I dont know what it is with blizzard this season but they keep making pve class changes and limplementing them in pvp as well….as a result i dont know about pve but in pvp the game hasnt been less balanced recently
Blizzard clowns๐๐๐๐ indi company ๐๐๐๐
Developmentally i'm probably less intelligent than hasbul but my brain is so much larger and i cant get past that.
well lucky i deleted my account, fk blizzard
a bunch of bullies