Everyone forgets Reghar is a slaving beep just like Garrosh. A bit of sanity now doesnt change it. He enslaved innocents and put them to kill each pther in the arena and then flexed them as property. Remember that was a crime but he never got imprisioned for it.
I would have like a gary redemption. Where we can see how much he cared for the horde but didnt realize this horde isnt like the old ones that had to be brutal and unrelenting. This one was built in family and understanding. This one wanted peace above all else.
Garrosh is 100% Thrall's creation. Thrall is root cause in elevating an orc like Garrosh leading to millions of death. Thrall's mom is too kind to Thrall in the Shadowlands.
The horde: always lost terribly.
Garrosh: the horde will be as it was, bold and strong.
Delusion high. Corruption nigh
Rehgar needs more love, we need more iconic Horde heroes to step up after killing most of them off.
Rehgar's still around.
Garrosh died twice, don't even have a soul left.
Karma's a bitch.
Everyone forgets Reghar is a slaving beep just like Garrosh. A bit of sanity now doesnt change it. He enslaved innocents and put them to kill each pther in the arena and then flexed them as property. Remember that was a crime but he never got imprisioned for it.
I’ve seen quite a few really good videos start like this on a… different tube.
lol cool story
Garrosh was just the biggest loser and coward of all time! 😂
Garosh did nothing wrong bring Garosh back !!
Garrosh was trying to make the Horde Great Again but the liberals would want the Horde bending over for our enemies
Reghar damn right…if garrosh wasnt grommash's son, he wont be fit to even be a peon.
Garrosh: Screw your Horde! I'll have my own Horde! With blackjack! And hookers!
"I'm not a boy. I'm the worst thing that ever happened to horde!"
Garrosh did nothing wrong
How old is Rehgar??
Garrosh did nothing wrong
I would have like a gary redemption. Where we can see how much he cared for the horde but didnt realize this horde isnt like the old ones that had to be brutal and unrelenting. This one was built in family and understanding. This one wanted peace above all else.
That right there is my War chief and the horde has never been the same since, all softies now
Really curious how you do the voices, they seem like the real ones, but Im not sure. Either way I love the humor in your vids!
Garrosh is 100% Thrall's creation. Thrall is root cause in elevating an orc like Garrosh leading to millions of death. Thrall's mom is too kind to Thrall in the Shadowlands.
Captions: I Don't think I will 😌
"It isn't you Thrall loves, only the memory of your father.."
Jealous words from a feeble foe is a hard line
Garrosh is a nepo baby, he is unqualified in every aspect and would not be put into a position of power if not for his father's legacy.
Rhegar should have more screen time. Drek'thar got a good amount if screen time in WoD