I generally don't like how people depict this scene considered that Garrosh was transforming his own soldiers into the Sha, it made me wonder if Garrosh was aware of his surroundings or even knowing what he was doing with the Bell.
"I have no idea what you said nor do I care"… Typical Garrosh. Well, that or he didn't learn human, so all he's hearing is"ytr jjh lokp fqw, hvv njk ssrgfgn juvfk."
I think Garrosh did at least have a lot of respect for Anduin throughout the amounts of encounters they had. I mean the boy isn’t the least bit afraid of Garrosh and is ready to face him head on.
I miss this chad
Best warchief ever. Make the horde great again Blizz
Your videos are always so entertaining and informative! Thank you for that!

… why are there 4 porn bots in the comments???
That's my WARCHIEF! Garrosh make the horde great again!
Anduin is wrong, Mogu are servants of the Titans .. they create order not chaos
4 bots who should be banned so far.
lol i am alliance but this is funny lol
I generally don't like how people depict this scene considered that Garrosh was transforming his own soldiers into the Sha, it made me wonder if Garrosh was aware of his surroundings or even knowing what he was doing with the Bell.
"I have no idea what you said nor do I care"… Typical Garrosh. Well, that or he didn't learn human, so all he's hearing is"ytr jjh lokp fqw, hvv njk ssrgfgn juvfk."
I think Garrosh did at least have a lot of respect for Anduin throughout the amounts of encounters they had. I mean the boy isn’t the least bit afraid of Garrosh and is ready to face him head on.
W Garrosh
Why does Anduin's Teenager model look older than his current one? Looks like a 40 year old man trying to pass himself off as a teenager.
I can’t explain it but Anduin’s model in MoP looks like a penguin. Is it just me
Honestly, Garrosh became a Titan in this moment. "K so screw this bell and your mallet, ima go f**k s**t up somewhere else then, this plot is boring."
Man Andiun has a really tough body to break that bell instead of splatter