Garrosh's Honor #thewarwithin #warcraft

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21 thoughts on “Garrosh's Honor #thewarwithin #warcraft”

  1. They weren't sure what to do with Garrosh; he was written as an honorable orc who wanted the best for his people and punished orcs who were dishonorable. But he later turned full evil when he dropped a nuke on Theramore and wreaked havok in Pandaria. He even resorted to having Vol'Jin assassinated instead of direct combat (which failed ofc.). He was one of the better Warcraft characters and we ignore what happened in the end with SL…

  2. Damnit. They used #TheWarWithin purely to play the algorithm. I was really excited we would somehow get more Garrosh content somehow in The War Within even after his soul self destructed in Shadowlands.
    I do wonder about alternate timeline WoD Grommash Hellscream. Can't he still have a kid? You'd think that would be a thing. Even if it's not with the same woman it would still be half alternate timeline Garrosh.

  3. This is mostly sort of retconned by the way. Once he was back from the campaign even before landing an alliance ship caught in the same storm acvidentally wound up in horde seas. The ship lowered weapons and signalled they wanted to leave.Cairne even advised Garrosh to le them go but he destroyed them anyway. Garrosh never had honour.

  4. I remember the quest chain where an orc basically command you to do a couple of things, ending into a bomb on an important elven druid school or something like that. Garrosh punished that orc by trowing him form an elevated zone. That was badass.

  5. I find it interesting how some believe that the writers retconned his character into the insanity and others genuinely believe he's always been evil. I'd propose he went insane dealing with Thrall's dumbass decisions, but that'd give too much credit to the writers.

  6. There is no such thing as an honorable orc. They are all happy to follow any genocidal maniac and kill whatever they are pointed to.
    – massacred the draenei on draenor
    – massacred the humans kingdoms after they got through the dark portal
    – again mass slaugther by garrosh in theramore and pandaria
    – followed sylvanas, again with the genocide this time on the nightelves.
    There are more examples but these will do nicely. Thrall was an anomaly, orcs have no honor.

  7. Cool to hear this about Garrosh.
    But overall realize how much actions he did that wasn't honorable. The dude was terrified of Vol'jin and had to betray him with no Honor like a scared GSP with his Vaseline…
    Great video, thank you.

  8. I feel so bad for Garrosh. His writing is such a mess. Devs couldn't decide if they wanted him to be a jerk with an honorable heart, or a bloodthirsty warmonger. And then they basically did the same thing with Sylvanas in BFA. Pathetic.

  9. So I'm stil 100% comited to the bit that your not suppose to finish every quest because of the questline in stone talon Garrosh throws you back in time. Also that wuestline has a bioshock reference in it that mirrors sylvannas rise to power as the banshee queen. And when you go to BC shadowmoon area to farm rep for your dragon… it's filled with flayers and a "horde" settlement

  10. But yet he had Magatha poison his axe against Caine Bloodhoof during Mak’ Gora. Thats not honorable at all. He was a coward and dishonored the Hellscream name. Thrall even called him out for it while they were fighting in Nagrand and Thrall put a power end to him


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