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Server: Crusader Strike Na
Omg I was like you bettwr HoJ quick before he vanish lol but nope, second proc ftw hahahaha
This guy is too pro
Love it
Yooo scoopdemcookies!
Sheesh that rogue got blown up❤
Dude didn’t even have the PvP trinket
That rogue was taught proper etiquette.
Owned lol
How do you hard cast a single heal and it tops you off as a dps wtf
Hahaha finishing the rogue at the end was a good dessert 😂😂😂 cookies after the main meal 😂😂😂😂
Long live the Paladins
Oh my god, absolutely deleted
The GOAT! Stormwind should build a stutue…..
Do you Even loosing onec in a while😅❓
Pala / SoD / Talent not found
Imagine going from this to regular classic paladin
You need a statue in every alliance city. And a statue next to uther in WPL
Bro what server do you play on?
How are you getting mana back so quickly in these videos? You don’t use the boot rune, is it the crusader strike libarm that gets your mana back up so quick?
he wasnt ready!
You are good for real but gear advantage
Still love these shorts every time I see them even if I don’t play sod anymore
Just need near 4 rogues and 2 warriors for complete that work XD
I love you
Love your vids!
Good fight against the Bay Harbour Butcher!
Watching your vids makes me really miss wow. Main ret pally, but never on your level in PvP lol