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There are some huge dungeon changes coming through with Season 4 which will change how dungeons and gearing works for the foreseeable future. Huge item level increases for heroic and mythic dungeons, with the mythic+ keystone system starting much later in the gearing progression path. Let’s break it all down and see what it means for you.
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this is exciting! i've been missing heroic dungeons ever since mythic became a thing, and i'm not a mythic fan since the culture is pretty cutthroat and i simply cant take a videogame that seriously. maybe i'll try a mythic 0 once the time limit goes away
yes, what we want…..the same boring ass dungeons we got recently instead of new content and 'here's ilvl gear' like i'm so done with wow….
I think the changes to mythic+ are going to make it so much more user friendly and easier for new players to try. A mythic itself should feel like a +10 and be difficult. I’m happy to hear they are making it a real challenge not just another thing we have to do.
So basically the same as before. Would have been better with a key that you once completed could "freeze" as a mythic dungeon w/o the timer but also no +on key. Maybe even get a -1 key after completion
Anything that moves away from the chase-the-tank dungeon experience is a positive step.
This new system is great for the vast majority of players, you'll be able to farm heroic dungeons and get gear drops that can be upgraded all the way to 489, with a vault item that can be upgraded all the way to 502. This means farming your heroics and doing your new Mythic 0s can get you geared and ready to jump into a +3 or +4 (13 or 14 equivalent). That's huge. Its way better for the casual players but most importantly it cares for the midcore player base that just didn't participate due to the toxicity that came with pushing timers on keys and dealing with affixes. The most important thing it does though is create an opportunity for conversion…you learn these dungeons at your own pace farm them until your comfortable and jump into a +3 which is basically the equivalent of our current 13 that means we're going to have a much larger % of the player base willing to go farther than they ever did before.
gearing will be harder and as solo you now have to face a lot of groups they decline you because you dont have the gear. because m+0 has a weekly lockout
When is this Ilvl change supposed to take place? I did a heroic this morning after watching your video and it's still ilvl428
Normally your info Is good. But they said the changes include all dragpnflight dungeons. They have not said the 8 DF dungeons ARE season 4. They have not been announced yet
Let us be able to queue for M0 🙂
Yes all good but.. when does it start? 😮
Good for the way I play, Billy no mates style
When does season 4 start?
I hope they extend this to season 1 of War Within. More challenge and relevance to HC and M0, easier access to HC raid content, decrease significantly the Mythic raiding grind to be able to start Mythic raid, leave the really grindy and hardcore part of PVE to be in regards to Mythic raiding
Find mythic+ group to be invited to can be very hard. We need a queuesystem for it.
With the gear going up in ilvl i wonder if the legendary axe will no longer be bis because level of it.
For someone who came back to wow after 4 years off… I like the gear changes. Having a blast in the game, ngl
Alt-o-holic here, and Dragonflight was the first expansion to lure me into having multiple characters at all. I love these changes. I'll be able to progress my characters in a super straight-forward way next season!
Hamster on a wheel comes to mind. Why can’t gear progression be horizontal so our time isn’t 100% wasted.
no time skips? Smells like greed to me. Lame.